You WON'T be alone. You have the whole Philippines Support! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Am sorry for everything that you are going through right now. (I really am!... no sugar coating!)
The Filipinos love you! You are a Filipino, remember?!!
You cannot give up now... I am with you all the way. when I say "me" everyone that supports me will support you!
I'd like to say more but words are not enough. I forgive and trust again because YOU! am not sure if I should put a smiley face or a sad face. I am celebrating another beautiful life. I hope to celebrate it with everyone that went through a lot.
I want to keep writing but words are not enough!....
I will just do it through my DEEDS. I hope you get well soon. I am here to help, always. We care about you!
Gil - your loving star.
Thank you for the love
Yes, we LOVE you Sir Terry!
^^ Just Keep Steeming...
Thank you switie. Much love in return
I got clumsy again! see above? I just edited it lol! just human hahaha
purepinay is clumsy but classy... hehe