but the majority of people who are in favour of the softfork also want this relation between Tron & Steem to be positive
We'll have to see how that goes now.
Personally I have no bias if Steem and Tron each go their way or if they will collaborate closely. I see enough supporters of both scenarios, but what I don't like a bit is the precedent you have set and messing with property, regardless of its history. So yeah, when it comes to property I guess I'm an extremist.
What about seeing the stake as the community's property?
I'm not arguing one way or the other. But the ninja-mined stake is worth anything at all due to the community's efforts. Should it not be considered the community's property then?
It could have been seen that way and done something about it before it was sold, in my opinion.
Of course, some would argue it's still community's property, and if Sun doesn't like it, he should go to Ned and ask for his money back.
But here's when written contracts are more powerful than "understandings". Do you think he will do that? Should he do that? Do we want him to do that?
Or we just wanted him at the table in a negotiation where he will say anything we want to hear in order to see his stake released?
Ned and Justin could settle things between themselves. And the community and Justin can come to an agreement which can be coded.
Well, I truly hope that would be possible and there won't be bad blood on the long term between the parties.
We just parted ways from a leader community didn't stand and probably the feeling was mutual. Wouldn't it be something to jump out of the frying pan into the fire?