I think it's the oposite at least for 5050. Curators are people that own steem. Right now they're getting screwed. They're the hodlers. They are the people that suppor the price. We're telling them that their contribution is only worth 25% of the value. So, all the new steem isn't going to the current set of hodlers it's going to authors who make content which has questionable value at this this to the growth of steem.
The economics are getting a boost for people that hodl. Now there's literally twice the benefit to holding steem and using it to vote. Is that enough to make a difference? We'll see.
As for flagging I think it'll initially be a bad experience, but it'll settle down fairly quickly except maybe a few key whale wars. Everyone not in the whale war should be thrilled. Because as they cancel out votes everyone else's post value should go up.
I'm hoping that the flagging thing will be used less for every day content, and more for the posts that are trash, add no value, milk rewards, and leech steem. We'll see. But if that's the case then the loss in author rewards because of the hardfork can easily be regained by flagging abusers with free flags.
2 part question:
a. Do you have command over any high stake accounts (that are either individually or collectively a whale stake) that are capable of contending with this level of abuse?
b. If so, should we have confidence that you will do so?
@aggroed, I agree on the 50/50 split is a good thing for the holders. I think you underestimate the negative impact the psychology of a downvote. While you are technically right on the effect on the "pools", what you are missing is the negative user experience that keeps our userbase in decline. Its been a long time since you've sweated downvotes, but I can tell you it doesn't take much for a whale to keep the minions' voices silent. That is what is so distasteful, the fact that our voices are made invisible when a bully doesn't like it. As you know from your peace ideology, many don't like to be involved in war (or slavery either).
aggroed you are missing the forest for a few bushes my friend. It's ok, you have some well meaning but delusional company and that is why the price will keep dropping like a stone.
GO Steem Monsters !
cough I mean Splinterlands
You realize that you changed the name of your SUCCESSFUL game from Steem Monsters to Splinterlands b/c Steem is a toxic as f*ck brand atm right??? A large part of this toxic environment can be traced back to poor flagging. I don't think adding more flagging will help make Steem a better place.
I am a big fan of STEEMMonsters, and a big fan of aggroed, and I respect his oppinions very highly.
Though I kind of see what your point is.
A very good example of steem being fked up is that I would like to write alot more into this comment, but I am afraid that I will get a shower of downvotes and make some enemies by expressing my oppinion.
(Hope I didn't go too far, if you don't like my comment then you think about it as a joke and ignore it)
I don't think adding more poor flagging will help make Steem a better place.
Don't think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. That's what we do when we lump unrighteous flagging with reasonable moderation.