Yeah, I think marketing and sales. We need a series of memes that help explain this place in 2 seconds. We need to attack reddit, facebook, youtube, and everyone else that's censoring and not paying.
I think a coordinated campaign to target people could help. Maybe take 3 days in July where we all go out and try to convert a few people would make a difference. It's more fun done in a group.
Just two ideas.
Personally, I feel that the most effective campaign would be for each individual to achieve some sort of success here and then use any other social media site to announce that they are leaving that site and focusing more of their time and energy to Steem. Then invite all their following from the other sites to move over to That was my plan all along. I just haven't had the success yet because I'm just new still and no whales have pushed me up. However I have tried talking to all my friends in real life to at least open an account here. I may have convinced one of my friends who doesn't use social media at all that was considering purchasing some Etherium to buy Steem instead. Some of the things coming down the pipe make Steem look very favourable indeed.
yep. After I campaign a little I'll make some memes that are meant to hit weaknesses of other platforms that folks can share while bashing pro-censorship corporate social media.