Growing up my Dad earned a sailboat. He threatened to leave a job and they wanted him to stay enough they literally bought him this boat. It's about 15 feet long. It has a fiberglass shell. It's tippy as hell. And on a strong breeze it feels like freedom. I led wilderness trips up in Maine for a few summers. One of my favorite trips was a 10-day sailing trip along the coast of Maine. We took a few 20-30' boats out with a whole bunch of kids from a summer camp. I was the counselor. It was pretty incredible and a remarkable learning experience. Later I became a professor at a Maritime College. I taught students that showed up in uniform and said "Yes Sir." They would become army kids, navy kids, marines, coasties, and merchant marines. I can't live too far from lakes or oceans or spend too long without them. I get homesick.
One of my favorite poems is now released to the world free from copyright stuff. It's called Sea Fever. It's by John Masefield.
Sea Fever
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
I set a heading and I haven't veered
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
Recently @netuoso from the Minnow Support Project was the 4th Witness from the Minnow Support Project to enter the top 20 witnesses. One of the moderators reminded us "don't forget why you're there." I then had a random comment on my witness post some 5 months after I released it. It made me go back and look at what I had written.
Aggroed's Witness Announcement
I'm so happy and excited to get to launch this campaign. Together we can work on growing this community and helping the newest members become successful. We all want this site and platform to grow so that it's message can resonate across the internet and make an impact in your daily life. I value Peace, Abundance, and Liberty and with your help; others who share those values and learn those values will come here and stay here!
The world is run by immoral banksters that cause us all harm. Through spreading technology that loosens their monopoly on money creation we free ourselves from their shackles. It's imperative that we work together to spread Steemit to others and help this platform grow. That's why I'll dedicate my time, energy, and focus as a Witness to the growth of Steemit!
For many on the Witness list they see this role as programming new apps and widgets that give new features to the product. It's a wonderful contribution. This platform wouldn't be where it is today without it. However, at it's current stage and size the Steemit platform has evolved enough so that one new feature or tweak to the platform isn't going to cause a mass migration here. We're not limited by the tools at hand, but by the number of people who know how to wield them and why they should.
This platform's message will spread by rallying our community around new people, showing them the ropes, and rewarding their success. It will grow by reaching out person by person to bring new members into the community. They will stay if they can find a way to start with nothing, connect with others, and grow their audience and their accounts.
The next stage of Steemit rests in the hands of educators, sales and marketing, and our community outreach. As a teacher, as an educator, as a communicator, as an activist, and as a passionate advocate for Steemit I know we can spread our message and our platform. I know if we do that then we can build a better world.
For those that can envision a better world filled with Peace, Abundance, and Liberty I ask that you upvote and resteem this post and you vote for me as witness!
I keep using the sailing anology
Peace, Abundance, and Liberty to you are mostly like nouns describing things. To me they are verbs and headings. Peace isn't a static thing. It's something in motion and constantly flowing. The rules of what's peaceful behavior shift as circumstances shift. It's the same with abundance and liberty. In my mind 5 months and 15 days ago when I set my witness campaign on a heading of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty I didn't know what I was getting into. I didn't know I'd have a 5,000 person Discord server within a month or two. I didn't know that this platform would elevate me to a top witness. I had no idea I'd work this hard to fashion a digital home in this ecosystem.
And as I think about what did I promise to do? What am I doing? What was my course? I'm actually pretty proud. It's like a glowing hot ember in my chest. It's like the feeling I had when I graduated with my chemistry degree. It's like the first time my daughter was able to say the words "I love you dad." It's a mix of contentment and pride in what I've done.
This hasn't been an easy ride. Not only have I worked as hard or harder than ever before in my life as I juggle two young children, a marriage with ups and downs, a full time job where I'm hiring a team, a witness campaign, and community that I run, but I'm also talking about the trip I took to get here. I don't believe what they teach in classes or what the anchor man says anymore. I've lost my faith in this government and recognize the harm and fraud in the system. Getting to a point that I could see it, and open my eyes, and unlearn what I had learned took multiple depressions, many years, lost friends, and marital challenges. It's been a hell of trip to get here, and I'm just taking a pause to say: "I'm staying the course, I'm doing what I set out to do, and I'm grateful to this community for supporting me on the way to do that."
A fear
My biggest fear is that one day my daughters will know the truth about how harmful this system and it's leaders are, and they will ask me "Dad, did you know? What did you do?" and all I can hope is that the answer I provide is enough to satisfy my heart and theirs. So, it's my ultimate wish to do as my mother said, and leave this world a better place than the one I found, and I've set my eyes upon a world that's Peaceful, Abundant, and Civil Liberties are paramount.
A Wish
So, when I set out on this course I had a simple and ambitious goal. I want to change the world. I don't like what I see. I don't like the violence. I don't like that the US government is bombing seven nations. I don't like the financial wars. I don't like seeing what our leaders are doing. I don't like living in a system that guarantees poverty. The private Federal Reserve bank purposefully manipulates the economy to shuffle wealth from the poor to the rich and the best piece of evidence is in the score board where 8 people have as much wealth as 3.5 billion. And I can't stand the surveillance state. I don't want my children groped by TSA agents, or living in fear of using their voice to protest and change what they see. It's a simple wish, but I want the world to change.
A Witness
As Bad Santa said "Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster." Wishes alone are not enough. I grew up as a wrestler and honed my body and mind in the gym at a young age. Across the wall was "The desire to fly is not enough. You must have wings." So, again I have set my mind and body to the task of altering the world. Not just wishing it, but setting a heading and doing the tough work to make a different life and teach a different life that I know is possible. I have to say it's nothing short of a grueling pace I've set. There's hardly any time that I get to myself to simply relax, but this world isn't going to unfuck itself. So, the witness gig to me is my enactment on my desire to see world change, and I'm grateful for your support.
A Whale
Last night after almost a year and a half of nearly constant work I hit 50,000 SP. I'm now officially a whale. I don't much look like a whale because I delegate nearly every SP I have to a variety of projects and accounts that support minnows, but I'm a whale nonetheless. I'm going to continue my efforts, my campaign, and my course to spread the values of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. Grow the Steem platform, and train and retain minnows on it.
In the meantime, before my kids are old enough to ask wtf is going on with the world, what keeps me going?
Here's a clip from the Minnow Mayor Town Hall radio show I hold. It's an open forum where anyone can come on and talk about stuff with me. Here's @staceyjean. She's a vet and has some social anxiety and shit she's working on. I've been resisting balling my eyes out from this interview for a day or two, but it definately hit me square in the feelz. The work I'm doing is creating a better world for folks to find a slice of peace in. I just need to keep doing what I'm doing, but keep making it bigger one person at a time.
Thanks for you support and thanks for this opportunity. It's an incredible opportunity to serve.
2 details
This post was made on It's like condensor but it's run by the Minnow Support Project (thanks @netuoso) and it has a 5% beneficiary to @minnowsupport to help the account grow.
I'm hosting a Steem Growth Forum this Saturday at 11am EST (1600 UTC) in PALnet Discord room. Lots of find people should be there. Hopefully you're one of them:
You are a true testament of character, my friend.
It is easy to be able to speak to computers and make them listen, but you seem to have a way with the people. As you know, people aren't always my cup of tea. That is one reason why you make such a commendable leader and guide for this community.
I'm touched Net. Thanks, and a tip of my hat to you sir!
You're a top man.

Congratulations on becoming a whale buddy.
Keep it up.
It's for you
It truly is people like you on steemit that kept people like me here long enough to begin to believe that yes, this place might be different. I couldn't agree more with your original post--those are the reasons I ventured here to begin with. And seeing this work in practice, seeing people going after dreams they may have held inside for years--that keeps me here. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
Thanks for all you do @aggroed. Most of it we young fish probably don't really understand yet. I'm glad you're one of the ones who do.
Great post, giving the reason why you do so much for the minnows through the minnow support group, along with Peace, Abundance, and Liberty.
I have not yet voted for a single witness but I am about to do so now.
Thank you for the work you are doing.
Keep it up and I wish all the prayers in the world for your wishes to come true.You are the magic in #steemit @aggroed
Congratulations on becoming a whale! I don't think I'm even a minnow yet - just plankton. LOL! Your story is very inspiring, as i can't live too far from the ocean either. I grew up in a house on a cliff facing the sea in Scotland, and my dad is still there. He and generations before him were all seafaring men. Our town still relies on the sea for its livelihood. I remember that poem by John Masefield and countless others that we learned to recite at school about the sea! I just joined PAL and am finding my way around by reading the START HERE! By clicking on the #minnowsupportproject tag, I found your post! It is very encouraging. I plan to stay the course!
I gave your post a 100% upvote and a resteem.
This post is another very awesome proof of your commitment and care for the world we live in.
I'm really glad you reach out to me in the very beginning of PAL/MSP and I'm and to be part of it and everyone who's involve with PAL but also and even more so with everyone who share those views of Peace, Abundance And Liberty.
Thanks Team! I'm happy too.
I am glad to be here to help you celebrate.
I do not know if I would still be here on steemit if it were not for PALnet Discord. I love the Waves radio ! no adds !!!! and great people music and topics!
THANK YOU for all your hard work and efforts!!!
This vote is for you.
I think I have been on your blog once or twice before and i didnt know you started that amazing platform.. You sure as hell should be proud, many are here for just personal monetary reward and thats the norm so i have so much respect for beyond the normal, for seeing a challenge and providing for a solution, for wanting to change the status quo... You got yourself a new fan... Keep doing you, like my Dad would say, in the end it shall speak
I love the poem you have chosen to use @aggroed it sums up a lot.
Congratulations on your achievement and thanks for all the excellent work put into helping new arrivals.
Everytime I read a post like this, from any of the witnesses I follow (voted), I walk away with a "hell ya!" I think folks that pour their soles into this platform for the betterment of all are commendable. Your post has inspired me, invigorated me and reaffirmed why I'm here, loving Steemit and looking to step up more.
Your efforts and work are impacting and appreciated.
Good nice
Wonderful post with an inspiring manifesto. I wish you all the best in what you have set out to do! Thank you!
Congrats for hard work and focus.
Good on ya.
At least SOMEONE is accomplishing at least a little something.
Thanks for sharing this, i already voted for 30 witness, but at times, i ask myself if all the witness That i vote for still exist.
I know being a witness is a great and stress job, having many account to check.
But i think there should be some group to teach new steemian how to post, what to post.
Thou i have not vote for @netuoso but i will do that now. Thanks for your effort on steem
wow very good post
click here.Congratulations @aggroed, this post is the fifth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 31 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $1163.65. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.
Top effort, mate. Well deserved.
Thank you dear
You have always been an ambassador for peace. Am sure by the time you are done your aughters will always be proud to have a father like you. I love peace and derive joy in having it. I commend you for your selflessness.
Am happy to come across someone like you. Although not everyone has the courage to do what you are doing but every good deeds can never go unrewarded. Well done and keep being peaceful.
Words that fill Steemit with confidence.
Been a sailor myself and therefore I like these analogies very much. When you are out there with nothing but water around, you need skills, passion and determination to face the challenges and a reliable crew, to get home again safely, when the winds get strong and the waves are high.
There are many things on which I very much agree with you, but so far I had found it hard to express that without appearing like some brown noser.. I only joined some three month ago and I "caught fire" immediately, since I felt that there was something that might really change the world for the better. I forgot who said it, but the line have to create a (better) system, that makes the existing structures obsolete... seemed like the answer to many things I had on my mind. "Peace, abundance and liberty" should be there naturally for anyone and the resources are definitely there. Thank you for making that your mission and I hope it will encourage and motivate many to join in on it.
I grew up in cold war Europe and now some of my best friends live in countries which were the former enemy. That alone shows, how absurd it all is.
Although I am a professional artist for many years now, I salute you with a fellow sailor's Fair winds and following seas !
Warm welcome friend. It was Buckminster Fuller who said that. I love that quote.
I see, thanks a lot. One of the leading persons here on steemit must have borrowed it, since it was this quote that really sold me the idea and motivated me to join. Only knew Buckminster Fuller's "spheres", but it looks like I should start reading his books!
yes I am one of them:)
please vote for my post and follow at me