I like this concept. If you can approve a witness you should also be able to disapprove or show displeasure
This gives witnesses, as you said, incentive to be prominent, to do good rather than fade into the background.
Some of the best witnesses are not in the top 20 and a couple that are in the top 20 probably shouldn't be at this point as they seem to be coasting on votes from long ago.
I would go even further and propose that witness votes expire. This would also have the benefit of cleaning up or regaining the votes from the no longer witness crowd and would clean up the rankings as well.
Perhaps a 6 month limit on a vote, then it expires unless you reapprove
Also interesting idea as well, I think! On the other hand, remember them botties ;-)
It would be doable to auto-revote witnesses, periodically, without ever actually doing anything manually....
I'm sure some smart dev could incorporate a captcha like feature to get around such a minimal impedence
Let the Cat and Mouse Games continue! ;-)
LOL I'm not a dev or programmer at all (I just play one on the internet LOL)
This gives me the luxury of being able to throw out any idea without worrying about now realistic or feasible it is in reality.
You have to make it reality, I just have to use my imagination
But seriously, it would be great if there were ways to accomplish these kinds of tasks. Not everything will be feasible from a programming standpoint, time investment vs reward standpoint, etc.
Just food for thought down the road if it ever becomes a project you wanted to tackle :)