Wow this comment has moved on. Nonetheless, this is the most interaction I’ve ever had from a post/comment but I get the feeling I wasn’t needed for it to happen 🤣
End of the day downvotes CAN be used for whatever someone wants them to be used for, but every action has a reaction, and that goes for everyone involved. I understand where acidyo is coming from and for me he’s by far not the main protagonist in this, he’s just the only one who’s been big enough to argue his point with some sensible reasoning and for that seems to be taking flak that is more deserving for others. On the other hand, to say that anyone’s content is worthless and brings no value is personal opinion and certainly not a good enough reason to downvote someone to nothing, and besides, if that were true and it was worthless content it wouldn’t need to be downvoted because it would get no upvotes in the first place. By downvoting for that reason and particularly to that extent, those who are doing it are proving the point that hive is not decentralised.