This is the 3rd comment I've seen from you recently where I just sorta stare for a while trying to understand what your point is.
There's a difference between a post self-vote and a comment self-vote - one's just selfish and the other is selfish AND rude because it's like you're saying my comment should be seen before all others - its more important.
AGAIN you felt the need to push your own comment to the top of the page and pay yourself.
That's getting adjusted soon if you don't remove your self-vote, just sayin..
Sure, will it push my comment back down the field, or no?
(Otherwise I guess damage is done then?
MOST will want to push their comments to top, no?
Should this be allowed then?)
Keep in mind, me, plus most others, are all new here.
We are not witnesses, we have not been on the platform for a year or more, and we do not know what we are doing, so we experiment quite a bit, and see what people have to say about it.. for one.
Just saying, authorship is not trump to comments, as far as being valuable to others. At least, not more than 60/40, or whatever is in the white paper.
Often, I have no idea what to think of a post, till I read about 10 comments about it..
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
WTF? Searches for BS guide to figure out what yogibear is talking about
Yeah thats the idea, to move this off the top of my witness thread. It's been a day and you haven't removed your vote so I just tried to flag you with the bare minimum to move you down without just destroying your reputation.
Expect this to keep happening if you keep pushing your own comments to the top of other peoples posts