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RE: Hive API Node for under $750 - Hive can scale at very low cost.

in #witness4 years ago

Thirdly, the whole point about decentralisation is that having lots of people run nodes means that individual nodes DO NOT NEED the ultra high uptime that data centers provide. If one API node is down front ends auto switch to others.

And that's what I think is THE point this person wants to avoid, or doesn't realize exists, and I'm not sure which is worse (even though lower he does talk about it with you).

Look at what it took me just to get him to talk about the number of witnesses! Amazing! I'm flabbergasted. And he is a top 3 witness.

(Well, maybe all that is not so surprising . . . depending on how suspecting of a mind one may have.)

Glad to see you got him focused. He finished with my by insulting me.