And there you go again. It has nothing to do with "reliability". If anything clear has come out of this "conversation", it's precisely that. Or haven't your realized that you agreed that for an API Node . . .
How tiring . . .
It has everything to do with the IT professional in charge (and, of course, and this is without question, that means, by definition, having PHYSICAL ACCESS), and his or her systems and connectivity solutions contracted and implemented.
But nooooooooooooooooooo.
I've never been so infuriated!
Next you'll be telling us that Bitcoin wallets are better stored on data center shared servers (head's up: that's a joke that's meant to be an exaggerated extreme to try to make evident the obvious in a funny way, which means that a pedantic response on that is not necessary - save your breath).
You sound like you have lots of friends.
And that's all you have to say.
Says a lot, don't you think?
(And I mean that seriously: all your arguments summed up in one nice little phrase. Or do you think serious issues are for brown-nosing only? Are you serious? This is about making friends?)
Nah just got tired of your dribble.
Hahaha. You don't even get it.
Anybody and everybody can clearly see that your previous comment was nothing more than yet another personal attack.
In spite of all your efforts to the contrary, you've actually done a wonderful job expressing yourself with absolute clarity.
I've said all the "dribble" I have to say on the subject, and it's here to stay, for all to see, forever, on this immutable blockchain, and, given such, 'I rest my case'.