Witness @Ats-david Downvotes people he disagrees with instead of using it for spam

in #witness7 years ago


They had a cringe meltdown over being truth'd and being told that mentally ill people aren't subhuman scapegoats and just haaaaaad to downvote me for disagreeing with preaching hatred. Cool. Also a witness.

Might be dumping my bags and leaving STEEM if this is how the people who operate it are working hahahahaha

I strongly suggest not voting someone as a witness if they downvote people for having a disagreement. Downvoting is for spam and malicious content, not for dissenting speech. Isn't the whole point of decentralized social media to escape being flagged for "wrong-think"? Cringe.

Full thread here:


Hey, guess what @ats-david, you want to know a great way to make sure STEEM crashes and burns and your investments turn to dust? Censoring anyone with an opinion slightly different from yours. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Hey, guess what, whateverthefuckyoucallyourself...

You want to know a great way to earn a downvote from me? Continue with your SJW micro-aggressions, lie about me “censoring” your arguments, comment to and upvote yourself with your sock puppet, and keep mentioning me in your comments.

For the record: I hope people do read our discussion on the post you mentioned. I did not downvote any disagreements. I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

And as long as you reward yourself for your bullshit comments about me, I will downvote them. You can stop making them at any time.

Somehow, you never flagged me just for disagreeing. I feel so left out.


You may just be a little too toxicly masculine for me to maliciously abuse and censor you with a downvote.


Yeah, that must be it.

Toxic? Moi?

So you don't downvote people unless you're pushed? I hope you have no access to firearms.

hahahaha a GREAT way to be sure STEEM thrives! Attack anyone who disagrees with you and also slander mentally ill people. Oof, what a wonderful community!

LOL at SJW micro-aggressions, what, are you triggered, big guy? Gotta pick on people to get your rocks off? Cringe.

Someone's triggered. LMFAO. Too many micro-aggressions for ya, champ? Big man, gotta downvote the frail lil girl with the WRONG OPINION.

triggered snowflake has to downvote my comments, awwwww the poory baby is incapable of self-reflection and has to take out his toxic masculinity on other people. Poor wittle baby :( :(

Gotta downvote the wrong-think and get that safe-space up and running!

how many upboats do you need to unhide a post- test

also lol at reddit features
i'm guessing this means you can pay money for downvote power, right?

SP allows you to upvote or downvote in equal direction, so people like david use their wits to become powerful in the steemit community by becoming a witness, so that includes a lot of natural steem accumulation, and is probably a spoiled rich kid so he can and will silence any and all criticism of himself to keep his power (like a corrupt politician, which ironically, he seemed to be so against in our prior conversation)

I don't agree with the current system of downvoting on STEEM because it's ripe for abuse and runs contradictory to what I expect from a social platform. That said, under the circumstances I'm not sure what you were expecting. Give people a tool and they'll find a way to use it. Piss someone off on STEEM and this is likely to happen, whether you're right or wrong doesn't even come into it.

This is a fairly textbook example as to why I was concerned about the idea of you getting into politics on here.

Yeah, for sure. It's fun to expose triggered cucks though, and I can't help myself. When people preach hatred and bigotry I can't just not correct them on their ignorant garbage. It sucks that @ats-david is a witness and holds power here and censors wrong-think, but I think in the end that justice will prevail and he will be voted out when more people realize that he is an abusive moron.

Triggered cuck still mad at being told accurate statements lmfao cringe

triggered hateful bigot still mad and still stalking my thread about him, how egotistical!

Guess he's just another wannabe who wants decentralized social media to make money instead of wanting an actual good platform huh

Seems like it. @ATS-David seems like a right-wing looney-toon who wants to silence and oppress people for wrong-think (even though he's the one who's actually wrong lmfao)

Notice that he is now censoring my comments on my own thread because he is too incapable of rational thought and is unable to converse with people in a mature fashion.

lmfao the child is still stalking this thread 48+ hours later, incredible

And the child downvoted my post to censor his malicious abuse of STEEM's userbase. Wow! Didn't see that coming!
How mature!

The sheer amount of cringe egotism required to constantly look at threads critisizing your abusive hatred to re-downvote them when they start to gian traction is just absolutely fucking hilarious.