lolol....and like i said - communism does work. I have never said it didn't.
It's a good, efficient, system.
But it doesn't scale up.
For it to scale up past small community size, it requires hierarchies of dominance for the larger organizational structures.
Capitalism , (in the real free market sense of the word) , scaled up , is made up of a million small communist minded communities...
I realized it was bollocks...
I accepted people and natural systems as they are . (and not as some bored intellectuals think they should be).
(I had a tough time with hierarchy, too -'s the way it is)
Voluntary hierarchies are just fine,...
totally agree...
Meritocratic rather than dominant
dominant = communism
meritocratic = capitalism
Lol, just wont quit, will you?
How many times do i have to point you to the fact that communism predates what happened in russia and is voluntary?
Authoritarian = bullshit
lolol....and like i said - communism does work. I have never said it didn't.
It's a good, efficient, system.
But it doesn't scale up.
For it to scale up past small community size, it requires hierarchies of dominance for the larger organizational structures.
Capitalism , (in the real free market sense of the word) , scaled up , is made up of a million small communist minded communities...
That sounds like rule by force to me.
Demand replaces dollars as our signal for production.
Too much demand, increase output.
Can't give your product away, produce something else.
You really should read this book.
IT IS!! - that's what communism - as a political philosophy, brings...
Price is the best, most sensitive, quickest, tool we have, to find demand.
...any other way demands centralized systems - which demands hierarchies of dominance.
....sweet capitalism in action!
We agree on the fundamentals - you seem unable to accpet centralization is contrary to your own fundamental values (force, authority)..
No centralization, and free markets provides these fundamentals that we both agree on (not crapitalism, stop goin' on about that! lolol)