
Thanks for your continuous support.

The first step is getting users to know the initiative, and we count on the incentives (upvotes) to do that.
Then, and it will be the hard part, the goal is to transform this "attraction by greed" into a "genuine interest about witnesses" and that will demand a lot of work.

That's why the first form of the bot is going to be a "simple upvote bot", but that surely is going to change in the medium / long term, when we will find methods to reward only inquisitive people (maybe by proxying all to one account and then democratically vote on another platform - separating the good grain from the schaff - for the witnesses the account will vote for, rewarding much more active participants - voting and debating on the platform - then the ones only proxying to the account).
That's an idea I just had writing the answer, nothing more ! Don't worry if you don't like it ! Governance is here to assure we will all move in the same direction, respecting every interest.

But I think solutions will become clearer and more evident once the system is implemented, as we will have participating people and "leeches" (No offence, it's just the best word to describe the behaviour), we will have feedback and discussions with implicated people and this way we will be able to find a good compromise.