Interesting outcome. Incidentally the relative weight of any inactive user decreases over time anyway, as the total mvests steadily increase but their own proportion does not.
Posted using Partiko Android
Interesting outcome. Incidentally the relative weight of any inactive user decreases over time anyway, as the total mvests steadily increase but their own proportion does not.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes that is a good point, is it something like 8% a year?
Cheers Joseph :)
I don't know the exact rate because it decreases gradually over time. I think it's a little less than that right now.
Posted using Partiko Android
Ok thanks. Something else to think about at least :)
well it would be less than the total inflationary rate because a portion of the inflation actually goes to holders of SP anyway. So... 15% less than whatever the current inflation rate, right?