I have to do some studying and look up what witness votes are, sounds like very exciting stuff. To be honest all of this Steem language and technical stuff is Greek to me but I am doing my best to learn more - I just joined SteemIt this month and I am trying everyday to gather up more Steem Power.
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Its a lot to take in at once , and not something you haveWhat Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!" to deal with straight away (or ever really) - but if you want to learn more I recommend @timcliff's post "
I've been here since March but steem I steem teaches us about bitcoin too because now we know about blocks but yeah bitcoins have no witnesses just nodes or miners and so steem is just more advanced! But yeah u can't go wrong with more steempower ... u can leave the technical stuff to all the steem witnesses they all seem to be tech people so it's liken those who aren't good at programming can't basically start working for Steemit and get a witness node working and generate steem that way if they're socially awkward but even social awkward Autists are thriving her even a small they can post the results of their technical work on steemit and all the th other tech savvy peopoe upvote it and even people who don't gettin it they upvote even more because they are mesmerized by there even beeing this muh tehnical jargon for steemit! Must be a good sign right? Proves we are advanced ?