Authoritarian rule is something separate from communism
Authoritarian rule necessities a continual move towards more and more centralization...follow that through, and you always have to end up with communism, at some point..
That is a very well established fact.
A fact? Says who?
That's a big claim... (and an appeal to authority, btw)
Note: It was an 'established fact' that the we were geocentric until Copernicus/Kepler/Galileo, proved otherwise...
I posit that all authoritarian rule will eventually lead to communism...
It's clear however that in your opposition to communism..
I'm opposed to authoritarianism.
Authoritarianism leads to communism, ergo I'm opposed to communism, yes..
It's an appeal to common definitions, those things which you check in on the door of a debate. You posit, but don't show, which I guess is fine because I do not have the inclination to school you on basics, just to highlight your lack of them.
I have given you a model, you have given me no counter to disprove that model, just remarks.
Why doesn't my model make logical sense?
Can you give me any historical precedent that doesn't follow the path of further centralization by an authority?
(irrelevant of the label attached to the name of the said authority?)
I know of none, and I've been studying history for decades.
Or do you claim that all historical precedent has no bearing, and is irrelevant information on which to structure a model?
Hey! you TWO.
Even Krapital-ism & DEMOcrazy. Same SHIT - Different Seman-ticks.
¡True Education First! that's key!! "I am an old Venezuelan currently 'living in Vzla'" don't have to convince me! lolol
Haha. Yeah I know!! ;)
...Obvious-ly. 😈My response was more directed to @personz.