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RE: Ausbitbank Witness Update 17/7/17 (SBD interest changed to 1%)

in #witness8 years ago

Incredible stuff man! I know you are a part of MSP and idk if you saw my post the other day, but I want to apologize in case you did! You've had my witness vote for a while now and you certainly don't disappoint!

Also, you addressed one of my concerns :)

I understand peoples concerns about the general use of vote bots - and have been making a conscious effort to make sure this provides a net positive to the community as a whole.

I think bots MAY be the end of Steemit. However I am working on a bot... and I use bots, ok. I am a HYPOCRITE, but also HUMAN. I am a tech guy who fears the power of the tech he is working on... in principle, these bots scare me. Lately, I have been wondering, why do we need bots? Why can't we just have people vote for content they think is good and just leave it at that?

I'd be very interested in a community forum or something on bots because... and I am not accusing you or anyone (because I have wrongly done so already this week)... but I believe it may be easy to abuse this bot system. I am not saying you or anyone else DOES abuse the pay for votes system, I am simply saying IT IS EASY to do so. Please understand the difference. You, and all others so far, seem to be doing GOOD with your bots. But, all it takes is one selfish individual and the platform may be in danger. We are playing with fire here and need to make sure those with matches are the right people. MSP is backed by 6 witnesses... good people. Your bot is backed by you, good person. The next bot may be backed by a selfish, profiteering individual and that would not be good.

Hope this makes sense and I'd love to discuss in the discord! Anyways, cheers and Steem on!


I did see it, it triggered me a bit and I passed it onto aggroed cos I wasn't sure how to respond to it at the time. It really kinda upset me to think that's how the project was being perceived..

I just saw and appreciate the followup apology post though thankyou :)

I was actually completely against the idea of vote bidding and what's happening now with the liquid SP market for the longest time, but now I'm starting to see this as just another part of the ecosystem thats going to happen if we like it or not.

At least now the votebidding is on the blockchain instead of private chat conversations, by forcing transparency and bringing these tools out in the open we have a better chance as a whole to recognise and counter abuse by them..

Will send a quick message over discord too

Thanks for understanding. Sent you a rather lengthy discord message :)

I think this is a topic that should be discussed among the Steemian higher ups because it seems to be having a profound affect on the platform.
