So... I'm in a really bad mood now.
Had a power cut cause the wiring in this house is a nightmare.... So my witness is bricked and WSL is also BSoD'in my computer AGAIN (thanks microsoft for your quality shit products)
I would by all means love to move to linux but I've tried that and it would mean 90% of my periferals would have to basically be sold off cause I'd no longer be able to use them.
I'm pissed.....
I'll basically be wiping my WSL install and starting again from the beginning as I doubt I can get what I got working again.
I'll probably not set up the API side of things again until HAF is all ready and all that and even then there might not be a need for it.
Send cookies and ice cream... PLEASE
You need a UPS my man. Those are too useful to not use nowadays in your computers.
I know, I've been putting it off cause of the expense but now I'm like.. just going to get one lol. :D
Ubuntu supports just about every accessory, Touch screen laptop, bluetooth headphones, even a dual camera I have for capturing live photogrametry. Once you make the jump you'll never go back. Sorry for your loss though :(
Hackintosh time?