4 Reasons You Should Vote For @patrice As A Witness Today!

in #witness7 years ago (edited)

[original art by @atopy, recombined into GIF form by me]

Witnesses are one, if not the most important part of the Steem ecosystem.

Good witnesses work for the common good and have proven their integrity over time. The reason this is so crucial is that we cannot have sketchy, flaky or corruptible witnesses running the Steem blockchain, thereby putting all of our accounts at risk. The Delegated Proof of Stake system is experimental, and it’s absolutely essential that we, as a community pick people who are honest, reliable, incorruptible, trustworthy, security-conscious, community-driven and active.

@patrice quietly announced her Witness the other day, and now I’m screaming from the rafters about it. I’ve worked with @patrice in here for over a year, and I respect her very much. She’s the hardest working person in Steemit (that I know). She starts working at a ridiculously early hour, and works extremely late into the night. She and I were discussing Steem things at 1:30 am this morning.

So, let's get to it...Here are 4 reasons you need to vote for her as a witness today:

Her integrity is incorruptible.

@patrice would never dream of selling new Steem accounts for $50. Nor would she ever consider pimping Witness information in exchange for money. I’ve been working with @patrice for over a year in Steemit, and she’s the most level-headed, responsible, reliable, tech-savvy, smart, detail-oriented person I know.

Her dedication to Steemcleaners and Spaminator is awe-inspiring.

@patrice is largely responsible, along with everyone else in Steemcleaners, for keeping Steemit in a usable form, free from abuse, scams, phishing schemes and botnets.

@patrice has already proven herself to be honest and level-headed for over a year and a half.

@patrice has a lot of difficult decisions to make daily. Her level-headed nature is something I greatly admire and I have seen over the past year how she consistently uses logic to guide her decisions. I have no doubt that she will continue to make the right decisions for the Steem community.

@patrice deserves to be compensated for the massive amount of work she has already done for all of us.

@patrice is one of those rare people who is not motivated by greed, but rather is genuinely concerned about the health of the Steem ecosystem and the people in it. In my opinion, she has not been compensated enough for the work she has done. Becoming a top 20 witness would fix that.

But perhaps the main reason, more important than all the others is simply that she gives a crap about us.

Genuinely caring for others, over one's self is in short supply, so when you see it, it’s powerful and needs to be rewarded. Sometimes the best people are the quietest….

When you vote her as a witness, you need to write her name in because right now she’s around spot 105.…… @patrice

If you do not know how to vote for a witness, feel free to ask for help in the comments below, or send me a personal message in Steemit Chat.

I will be asking people one by one to vote for @patrice until she’s in the top 20.

Oh, and I made a bunch more GIFS, and this is my favorite one so far:

And this one too:

And for all you minnows out there who feel that your posts are undervalued:

Look at @patrice as a model for your path here. Planet Steem is much more than a blogging platform. I think at this point, it’s safe to say it’s a virtual world. There’s lots of trash to be taken out and GIFs to be made. I wonder what job you’ll find for yourself in here?

BTW, whoever gets the most votes on their comment on this post, I’ll make you a custom GIF. Offer expires in 2 hours.


Pepperoni Nipples

BTW: Feel free to use any of my Steemit GIFs for your posts! I made them for the Steem Commons. We are a collective, you know: https://giphy.com/channel/stellabelle

There are 2 pages

Sometimes the best people are the quietest….

I really appreciate this statement. In fact that is the truth. They say empty barrel makes the loudest noise. I first noticed her in the comment section of @maryfavour when some folks flagged here. Also, i have seen her dedication in steemcleaner.

I am gonna vote for @patrice as a witness. You obviously dont approve people of unworthy character.

P.S: I will be happy to have a customized gif. I hope i can get it.

Just did


I agree with you on this...

Sometimes the best people are the quietest

It'snot about the noise... some good things cones in quiet mood it is left for the wise to recognize it and that is what @stellabelle has done in this case.

More reason why @patrice has to be voted. I have voted her already.


I also love @patrice. All the best to her.


thank you for your support. It looks like tojukaka got 11 votes, so he won.....there will be more.

Hahah. Is it 2hours already? I got here late.😅


I dont know @patrice but i know you @stellabelle and you have earned my trust with your heart and your amazing brain
Im voting for her as soon as i tell all my friend to vote for this post so i can get a custom made gif

it looks like you won the GIF creation!
Do you have any requests for things in it? or do you want it to be surprise?


I just got a gif from a steemit whale


This is my lucky day
Thank you @stellabelle
You are awesome!!!

Whao, this is great and really lovely.


you're hilarious! Glad you like it.


haha! I knew you might be interested!

Sorry @tojukaka I had to!

Added @patrice and removed my vote for Jerry. Well, at least the first part is true.

Hang your heads in shame anyone who did/is still voting that guy for witness.

In general I try to stay as neutral as possible, but when today, I discovered that Jerry hires others to write his Steemit posts, and he doesn't seem to even read his own posts.....well, I am totally shocked. Then on top of it, he's selling Witness information, even though he hasn't read about it. This is too much.

I'm voting for @patrice if I can figure out how. Surprised Jerry Banfield is selling witness information. I would think that would get you kicked off as a witness. I soured on him after his posts about how much money he was making and how much more he'd make as a witness.


Jerry actually admitted paying someone to write his posts months ago, around about the time he was writing about ways to make cash online. I'm still miffed my jest post didn't make a million!

Come on, 89 ways he wrote about were useless and cost him $$$s, the only one that made serious cash was selling the other 89!!!!!!


And with that I bid you a fond good night! :D


Well i gotta admit im not happy to hear that he is selling witness info and all

the thing is....marketers and witnesses are different roles. Personally, I want witnesses to be very reliable and I want them to be honest. The Steem blockchain is our lifeline.....


Honestly, i started being less a fan of jerry when he put up this post below
All for the sake of making content, he painted dozen of persons as fools by saying we dropped our private keys in transfers? Sensational blogging. For me, this new discovery takes him off my list, at least @patrice can take his space.

Meanwhile, I don't know how people believed that post has any truth... I read comments and people praising him like he's a superhero. How can you find such numbers of private keys and the account owner's accounts won't have been compromised? Is that how lame hackers are?

Haha! At least this guy found some keys and he returned them. What @jerrybanfield saw were mere memo keys some of us used in making transfers from bittrex. And you know memo keys gat no security detail as we speak. So, why claim you saw private keys when you can't confirm they were private keys? I dropped him a comment Challenging his claim when he commented on my post saying he found my private key and also on his main post. He did not reply any.


Yeah, this isn't original content either - others did it, in a far classier way and returned the funds / changed the keys.

Never trust a man who's brain you can see through his nostrils, my mum perhaps once said 😬


Well I have learned a lot from @jerrybanfield. He was part of the reasons i still got into steemit. He is a great guy and I love him. He still has my vote for witness. He may have some flaws but who amongst us is perfect? Im not giving up on @jerrybanfield just yet. My loyalty is not that fragile. He still has my vote for witness but I have remove him as my proxy. A day is coming when the best of character is going to be tested. Even the best people make mistakes. we are all humans. This is my opinion

Yeah, you have a right of course to whatever you want to think. I am not a hater, but I feel that only with enough time can we ultimately learn who people are inside. If someone has a bit of growing up to do, then I am not interested in them being a Witness. Witnesses are too important.


Yes, and you are most welcome to it, as we all are.


Thanks for your support.


I have voted for @patrice
I try to resteem but it seems that this post is not showing on my wall

that has happened to me as well.....i guess you can try again...not sure why it happens.


Congrats for the gif contest you won. I entered at last minute. I would be happy to see @stellabelle customized gif of you.

Thank you @turpsy


Congrats @tojukaka i was not opportuned to vote u but am happy that you won
I hope to vote you next time


@stellabelle - I think Steemit platform getting damaged by spammers and identity thieves is avoided by the hard work being put in via steemcleaners and spaminator by the likes of @patrice. You also make a great point about her caring for us, all steemians and the Steemit platform. I will certainly vote for her as witness
Thanks for voicing this out. You always bring up topics that help everyone on Steemit and speak unhesitatingly on them. This is the reason I mentioned you in my post on Steemit bosses just an hour or so ago, LOL
Thanks. Upvoted full.



thanks for your amazing support of me. I appreciate it.

My policy is that, if I can not do good deeds personally due to my constraints of life or time, I should at least support the knights in shining armour fully for their battle. No need for saying thanks. You command the respect and have the right to ask for my support anytime.


Done! Voted for @patrice as witness.



Ok if u say so ill consider to vote @patrice. Can we vote for u? I think u really do a lot for the community.
Thanks J

I have not set up a Witness.....(yet)


I trust your judgement, so I am more than happy to vote for her as a witness. Also your gifs are next level!

Done! witness.png

cool, thank you!


Well, I'm not out for the vote in comments here, I just wanted to say your advocacy for your sttemit friend, and the way you wrote this article is incredibly sincere. Not to mention encouraging to those of us who are still beginning to understand steemit. I didn't even know what witnesses were until a couple weeks ago in truth. Just like for a while I didn't know my keys weren't secure. Great post and it's got my humble vote and will click the resteem and follow button. Many blessings and steem on.

thanks for reading.

I am incredibly grateful for the vote.I genuinely didn't expect it. I have voted for @patrice witness and sent a small donation in light both of your write up and your generosity. You borth now have a new follower for good on steemit. Thank you again and steem on.


First gif is my favorite (I named it Take Me Home). I agree with you on Patrice being a hard working sincere person. Never knew she's contesting as a witness. She's got my vote, anyone that keeps spammers at bay is my friend on steemit. ✌️

She's got my vote, anyone that keeps spammers at bay is my friend on steemit. ✌️

This is my exact thinking, @greenrun. Spammers be gone! We'll have @spaminator deal a dirty blow on all spams after @sadkitten would have fed him the information about spams with @patrice's help. Finally, @stellabelle's spambulance will cart the spam away. Lol!

Lol at spambulance, we really need one to rush the spammers to the bin :)


Done. I can't think of a more deserving witness vote.

thanks for your support, which in fact will support you even more!




First of all, YES! Vote for Patrice! Is there a good reason not to?

Second of all, this is amaaaazing:

you are hilarious and epic @stellabelle, thanks for supporting @patrice in her witness campaign!

god, i do love this one! It's how most people feel........and i know i am very lucky not to have those struggles.

haha, it was kind of bad a month ago... lotsa griping.

Imo, if I make something that's worth a lot then that means it will be useful to the community for a long time, regardless of immediate rewards.

enough side chatter! Go @patrice!!!! To the top with ya!!!!! (don't you have enough work already patrice? :P glutton for punishment, I guess)

YEAH, you have the right idea.....it might take a while for people to take notice...but if someone is doing epic work, it will be discovered eventually......most people give up too quickly...so only the strong survive!


I gave your posts some upvotes, since you got excited about my GIF!

aaawe! thank you. I was dropping them in chat rooms last night, the folk love em!!!

ah good! The more they get spread around on social media, the more people will become curious!


I've seen how much great work Patrice does for the health of the Steemit platform. I'll give her witness a vote now.

thanks for your vote. Everyone does in fact count.


Hi @stellabelle
@patrice I am coming for you!
I will vote you as a Witness!
Thanks for your help to keep our steemit.com alive
Have a lovely @stellabelle

thank you for your vote! I feel like patrice's campaign manager lol.

You are welcome
Everyone needs a campaign manager
Patrice is lucky that hes got you
Much love @stellabelle


This is awesome
I love the gifs and tnx for the opportunity to freely use them


Alright, apart from these reasons proffered by our amiable @stellabelle

Have been following @Patrice
And I know she is unarguably competent to be a witness.
I stand with @stellabell

thanks for your support.


Yes @patrice is doing so much for the community to keep it clean.And yes she is much helpful too when needed. Once @cheetah bot mistaken and made a comment on my post and then it was @patrice who took time to remove that comment as it wasn't plagiarized post


i honestly thought patrice was joking last night when she mentioned her witness. She was so nonchallant about it. Thank you for shouting it from the rooftop!

if anyone deserves to be elevated quuckly through the witness ranks it is Patrice! Resteeming this and heading to post my vote for her now!

thank you for your swift action!


Based on what I just read she definitely deserves the top 10 witness spot. Voted her now. God bless Steemit and all those people making this possible. ❤

thanks for your support!


Well @stellabelle, I still do not really understand what witnesses exact do, but as you are one of the pioneers here on Steemit, I will take your advice for good. I still have a witness spot available, so @patrice gets the spot...
Must be nice for her, to get this support from you!


"The Steemit icon has spoken" Listen, Please!!!

Omg, that first gif, lol, Super awesome :):) @patrice, I'll be adding you to my witness list Asap and support you as best I can.

Thanks for your vote...I feel like my mother....she was a hardcore campaigner

Well, if your mother campaigned for such positive causes, as you do, then she's also a Rock Star!!


Nice! I didn't know she was responsible for making the Steemit world a cleaner place for everyone (thanks @patrice).

Usually I wouldn't just blindly follow someone's advice, not least since I don't know personally, and especially after the JB saga which has definitely given me an unsure feeling about witnesses generally and the power they behold.

However, running those two services is a definite show of someone looking to make Steemit a better place and I think that alone is a strong enough argument. Reading back over her posts, she seems serious and very professional! Ontop of that, in the short time I've been here I've read your posts, mad and entertaining as they are and full of energy but most importantly honest. I feel like your word is one I can count on, and seeing as I have this one space newly available...Voted!

thanks! patrice is amazing.


Integrity, honesty, dedication and hard work, these are qualities that a good leader must posses and I'm glad you can vouch that @patrice possesses them.

The ability to look beyond your personal needs and desires to put other people on the stage sets you apart @stellabelle. Well done !

thank you!


You are my Steemit sage and your opinion carries a lot of weight on here with me. @patrice as a witness makes a lot of sense, and now that she is a witness, I will consider voting for her. I only learned of her work for the community because of your advocacy of her and her integrity. And I want that in a witness. And I am saving a vote for you for when you finally do set up your witness

wow, so cool! It might take me a bit, as I want to make absolutely sure I understand everything and have the proper commitment. Ideally, I'd like to partner with someone.


Great personality! A great model indeed according to depiction. May the crown fit whom it fits. Pray we vote with our heads and hearts together. Lol. Thanks also for the brief insight into the witness thing. I've come across it a number of times and been wondering what it was about. will look deeper tho. I'm new to steemit


I will open up a spot and vote for her.

I always thought Patrice was a dude, as we have many of those here in Canadastan and we recently had a good laugh about it while I was praising (now a her lol) for all the hard work she puts in and she appreciated it.

ah good! The more slots she can move up, means the less work I have to do! I have committed myself to helping educate the Steemit community about her work..I did see that convo a while back. Patrice is part of my 3 best friends here on Steemit....and I figured no one knew who she was. She is my solid rock foundation, to be honest.


And here is the proof

thank you!

Thanks to you


Got to hear about her first few days ago by @maryfavour.. I think I have to adjust the proxy and vote for her... All the best💝

Obviously i love the first one but my some of my posts are screaming like the third gif. Lol



Thank you for showcasing such a pillar to our community!

@patrice so quietly and humbly makes our Steemit world safer, more full of quality, and to be honest she is the epitome of what the supportive and encouraging community of Steemit IS. She is definitely not thanked (or paid) enough for all her tireless behind the scenes efforts, so she has my vote and my full support.

Thank you again Belle, without your efforts I she would have never been on my radar. But I have been following her for a bit now because of you and I will attest, all @stellabelle says is true!

Vote for @patrice


Just like @tojukaka said I don't know @patrice either but i know @tojukaka and @stellabelle so on that basis i will vote for her and as well resteem this post.
It's good to know that anytime you sow your seed of labor there always be a reward that comes with it at the end. The reward might take time but be sure it will surely come.
And congrat @tojukaka for winning a customized gif from @stellabelle.
This platform just gets more interesting every moment.
Resteemed and upvoted

Thank you for the mention bro!


Wow! Patrice, @patrice, has been really incredible. Sure, I'll head over to the witness section and vote her as my witness. I will never forget how @patrice , @stellabelle and @spaminator came to my rescue when one @yoenelmundo and the trail the fellow belongs to came to spam @redfishpillar's blog . Since then I have so much respect for @patrice and @stellabelle. I detest spam with a lot and do not entertain them on my blog. Patrice deserves my vote and those of the community members that really desire a steemit free from spam.


If you can endorse someone, my own is to do as you've said. I don't need to investigate who @patrice is, I trust you madam.
Am happy for @patrice because he has a good reputation for winning @stellabelle heart ♥



@patrice is the best and she absolutely got my vote as soon as you made me aware she was a new witness and in need of it, @stellabelle!

Also thank you to @patrice for her vote of confidence based on my new YouAreHope.org Worldwide Humanitarian Aide Network block chain based initiative as well!

The work Patrice does is tireless and time consuming and incredibly useful. As a person who spends 20-30 hours per "day" here myself working on platform based service projects, I can tell you it is often a thankless, exhausting job. Thank @Patrice and show your support for her work with a vote for her witness right away!

Yours in service,
Steem Witness #89

(YourAreHope will be launching publicly mid-Oct 2017)

yes, and I voted for you today.


Spammers are getting too common on steemit. It can damage the reputation that had built by steemit. And also the uncertainty of steem power is also troubling people :/ Stay blessed @stellabelle


Already done

thank you

Where is my upvote? #upvoteforupvote

I am very sure your upvote button is working


I first came to know about @patrice when a person stole my work, rephrased it and published it on her wall. I reported to Steem Cleaners and in some other channels as well, she was quick, very quick! Started flagging all her posts and guided me how can I add copyright thing and all that. Will definitely vote for her!

I guess you are talking about @...... Okay, got it :D

i dont really know well but i read about her in the post you made for her. Talking about the invaluable works she does for the community

she has my vote


Am glad to know that no one's effort goes unnoticed not with standing on the persons nature. Thank you @stellabelle for this . I have pledged my support.


😂😂😂 She has my vote just for this funny post!!!


I'd know about @patrice for some time, I did not know she was a witness. She is a very dedicated to helping keep steem clean. She is the real life version of @anyx cheetah bot, only with the human touch. The work she does with @steemcleaners more than qualifies her as a witness. I voted for her as witness yesterday.


I'm sold on giving her a vote.

As a thought, you should put a big link to click at the bottom of your post that users can click to Go Vote for Patrice Now.

yeah you're right! Thanks, i'll pass this along to her.


Shots fired! :)

Nevertheless, I'm convinced. I'm voting for @patrice once I have access to my desktop.



***Hi there @stellabelle looks like @patrice is not just a good person but a great one. :) I am just new here on steemit and this is my first day, I was just randomly reading quality posts to learn from. I just read your article why we shoud vote for @patrice as a witness and I like to vote her But how do i do that.? Thanks if you'll notice me and give me some pieces of advises too and to my introduction post as well because I just started awhile ago and was just wandering for a whole day :D Your Gifs are pretty cool too I hope I can get one

you click on the upper right hand corner which has black lines....then you see a Witness header. Click on that. Then in the space down below, you put patrice in the box, and it should list her below after you do this. You have to use your Active key in order to vote.


Hello @stellabelle

I first heard of @patrice when you made a post about her and the wonderful people @steemcleaners recently.

I visited her blog and read a post where she talked about her daily activities and the amount of work she has to work on. I commended her for her efforts and sent her a little tip.

But I believe that voting her for witness is one of the best ways to tell her Thank you for all the amazing work she have been putting in daily.

It is because of people like her who leads Quiet Revolutions that have sustained the life blood of this plarform and gives me joy in calling Steemit Home.

Voting her for witness.

Love the Austin Powers gif.



You sold me I've got several witness votes to use and I cant be wasting them on people that want to charge new users $50 to sing up. From your description of @patrice she seems more than worthy of a top 20 spot

oh boy yes. I've personally known her for a year and she's never done anything remotely stupid.

Heh, remotely stupid is too easy. I do my stupid stuff up close and personal. sigh


Congratulations @stellabelle!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 119 comments

Done. I voted for @patrice. Maybe she can help add some integrity to the Steemit platform.


Yes, i really appreciate this article.


The truth is that i dont know her before now, but the fact that the recommendation is coming from you, i trust your judgment.

However, i think i will have to dissent with your for the first time since i came to this platform.

@patrice would never dream of selling new Steem accounts for $50. Nor would she ever consider pimping Witness information in exchange for money.

When marketing someone to the world, it should be based on her strengths and not on the weakness of another fellow. Hope you see my reasons. She has my vote already. Keep steeming maam.

yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I am still in shock about some information i just learned, and to be frank, I'm kind of upset (which is not a great time to be writing!). What shocked me the most is that I learned that JB doesn't even write his own posts. That was not a good thing to learn.

wow. Now this is shocking indeed. And if true, it has a way of diminishing the hard fought reputation one has earned. What i have heard today from @drakos about JB is not funny by any means whatsoever.

However, the part of him not writing his own post, is actually a very strong claim. Strong one indeed. And truth be told, it could be hearsay, and my profession has actually taught me alot about hearsay; it should be treated with a pinch of salt.

I am sorry, i just dont believe things when i hear them, i am trained to find evidence of the veracity of the statement. I just hope you take a pause to see things through too.

Maybe, you need a break to clear your head around the whole issue. That way you get the true state of your mind when writing again.

Our vocation(writing) is a thing of beauty, it should be used to show love, care and support, as well as constructive criticism when necessary after giving any body involved fair hearing. Our aim is not to destroy, but to create and develop.

All the best.


I have actually had cause to be @steemcleaners on steemit.chat and I see the hell of work whose guys are doing there. @patrice is sure worth my vote now that I know she is a wittness.


Thanks for bringing her name to our attention, I for one hadn't heard of her. And of course one other good reason to support her is that she comes with your approval . She has my vote as of now.


Hahhaahahh it's so funny

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