This group is misguided. If they believe everyone is just doing this for money - they definitely should offer much more as an incentive.
You ended your holiday, just in time for the holiday season to start.
This group is misguided. If they believe everyone is just doing this for money - they definitely should offer much more as an incentive.
You ended your holiday, just in time for the holiday season to start.
Wait, aren't we all here for the quick money? Should've stayed at steem, damn.
최고의 사기꾼이 머무는 Steem
I am doing this because my online friend @frot was threatened with cyber stalking, he doesnt feel safe walking his dog anymore. he wont play victim but I seen this happen, the threats are real and curangel supports the one making these threats to stalk my friend frot in New Zealand.
have you see the person at the dog park yet @frot or did they stop threatening you?
has nothing to do with this at all. If that is your reasoning, it is completely illogical.@frot should go to the police then or you should, if it is of actual concern to you. What you are suggesting
So when you see cyber stalking your first inclination is to not care about another human being being abused?
Morality and ethics are not mutually exclusive to logic in my books.
Another illogical argument.
In NZ, cyberstalking is likely illegal, so, call the police. However, downvoting is not cyberstalking, nor is it illegal. The Hive blockchain or the mechanisms it has have nothing to do with this.
You seem to have missed my point entirely and do not know what you are criticizing.
Best regards.
You seem to not have a logical argument. Have a nice day.
Logic, was never at any point, a part of my objectives when approaching this comment thread.
A police officer already interjected into the thread and has stated he will taken personal action if Azircon does not apologise, to my knowledge no apology has been forthcoming, so we shall see what arises.
lol - he will take "personal action"? Perhaps if he is police, he should involve the law if that is being broken. When random people on the internet think the CIA is after them - they likely have some issues.
Here's the comment, read it for yourself - seems legit to me:
1 comment 21 days ago, nothing before, nothing since. Doesn't instill me with confidence at all. Funny how little meat any of this argument ever has.
By 'legit', I mean that the sincerity and detail provided in the message conveys a tone that I am open to accepting as being from a real police officer. Maybe it isn't. Having zero history on the account has no baring on whether the person is legit or not.
Yup. That looks pretty legit to me.
If that is what he wants as an outcome.
Going away to live life in the middle of nowhere without an internet connection and a lot of fresh fish to eat was far more appealing than sitting here losing braincells over these goddamn platform politics.
Whatever though. Trending internal memos and people who hate the place but never miss a day of work in order to tell everyone about it, constantly.
But the odd downvote is the reason the kids aren't lined up around the block to get in here and show off their talents, not the atmosphere these people create and push on everyone else...
Good to see The Soulster is working hard on creating an echo chamber safe space for free speech or whatever though, for those folks, who wear the blinders, and can't seem to see everyone speaking freely.
It is the same tiny group of people, saying the same thing over and over, not paying attention to everything else that is happening. All they care about is the rewards on their posts - which has nothing to do with free speech at all.
Sounds like you had a good time. Did you catch the fish yourself - or do you have a man-servant do it for you like Robinson Crusoe?
As numerous people have already stated, there seems to be a misunderstanding among some here on the meaning of 'censorship'. I covered it in this post. Censorship is NOT only 'deletion of content'. Censorship is actually suppression of content (usually for ideological or fear based reasons). The odd downvote is still suppression in some senses, but it is a grey area on Hive due to the way the algorithm assigns rewards. However, to me and also to many, many people who already left Hive/Steem for this reason - constant downvoting, including total nuking of accounts and especially without even offering any explanation or attempt to debate the content, is absolutely suppression of information and is therefore - according to the etymology and meaning of the word - also a form of censorship.
There's no need to argue about it, we are either applying logic according to the dictionary meaning of our language or we aren't. Those who aren't will not likely agree with those who are.
As far as I have seen, almost no one has left Hive due to this. The biggest complainers who are "continually leaving" are, still here posting daily.
This is nonsense in regards to Hive, as no one is supressed. The only thing the downvotes do is remove the rewards associated with the content saying it. If that stops people from posting, that is their issue. They can also create a hundred different accounts and say exactly the same thin, over and over and over - it just won't get rewarded. People can still say exactly what they want and if people want to read/listen, they are free to do so. The argument is invalid. There are no repercussions for speaking her from Hive users, other than the opportunity to remove the rewards. The only reason people complain about it is that it affects what they can earn here, period.
I used the man-servant. It's a long story but I ran out of bait one day so I just chopped him up into little pieces and used that instead. Worked well. Got my money's worth for sure. Kept his head though. Added it to the pile with the rest. They look good together. The sun hits it just right every morning. I should take a picture and show you folks. My art has come such a long way.
Anyway yeah, I can see it's the same group. I was gone for nearly four months and the first thing I saw was some of their promoted posts, talking in circles, like usual. Same shit, different day. After this much time, and not making any forward progress, seemingly only digging the hole deeper instead; well that just tells me making progress and getting positive results was never the goal. AKA Smear Campaign. Even this post is framed in a way that makes it appear as if if you didn't make the list, you're somehow a villain and not worthy.
Everyone loves a good headchop.
The entire argument they have is nonsensical. I don't assume it is going to change any time soon.