But wait.
I though the last time this the reward pool was changed, the witness share was left untouched because they had server costs to cover. So are you saying that isn't the case? Perhaps the Witnesses are being paid too much and that should be reduced and have the extra be paid out to curation and content creation.
Also, talk about insulating the top Witnesses. You essentially a proposing a lifetime appointment. They will keep the stake they have and the community has to try and catch up with 1/8 the reward pool?
As for inflation, what is it, 8%? People believe that others are not buying because of the inflation rate. I bet if you ask most people they have no idea what the inflation rate is of their top 5 holdings. Hell, Ethereum is questioned whether you can even figure it out.
How about, instead of monkeying around with inflation, we focus upon generating, oh say 50% growth over the next 12 months? If that happens, that 8% inflation rate would see miniscule.
Leofinance mooned yet it has an inflation rate of over 20% and even still there is a liquidity problem.
Perhaps instead of monkeying around with inflation rates, tribes and other DApps should start to focus upon sound business practices such as getting more customers. After all, isn't that the basis of any business?
Of course, lowering the inflation rate to the point you suggest basically makes focusing upon HIVE not relevant, in turn making Hive Engine tokens more important.
Very wise grasshopper.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
To a hammer everything looks like a nail.
Maybe one the mosquito lands on his nutsack he will realize hammers don't solve all problems.