
This is a good reason for the SPS funding be shifted from the content reward pool. As you say content rewards based on voting is a very model, and as such is way overfunded with a 75% share going to a single model. Other models should have a chance to compete for those funds too (without needing to engage in reward-pool milking).

With SPS, other models and projects can make their proposal for a portion of the 'greater reward pool' funds intended to be spent in various ways to add value to Steem.

Ultimately I would like to see the reward pool, if it survives in its present form at all, take the form of an SPS proposal that gets a piece of the budget in level competition with other apps and their proposals.

Or alternately, SPS proposals can draw from the unified reward pool alongside posts and comments.

Either way, we should get away from as being the primary app that gets direct access to community funding and every other model has to compete for scraps.

I am all for the SPS, I am 100% behind it and also agree that would be nice that the blogging reward pool also take the form of a proposal and be budgetted in.

Brilliant. I don't expect that right now and I don't think we should even pursue it short term because it is more important to get SPS quickly rolled out in any reasonable form, but I hope we can all work together to move in this direction in the future.

Sure you can count on me Smooth, happy to work with you to push this agenda later.