I just though that I did a good job writing my post and was upvoted for it (LOL).
What came later was like a falling from a hanging cliff or something. I had barely anyone looking at my posts and I made barely 0.01 (mainly was my self vote). I got so depressed and confused for a while. Why nothing works anymore. I am the same person that wrote all these posts, why that freaking post worked and nothing else.
This is amazing interview. Many thanks @badastroza for making it and to @dragosroua for being very helpful in his comments.
I was lucky to have @hendrikdegrote vote for one of my posts when I was a new steemer, like in my first week of steemit. That post got the most number of upvotes and the highest rewards so far (of course!!). It was awesome to get good rewards of course, but since I had no idea how things worked then, who is who, whales, dolphins or minnows.
Only today I found that @hendrikdegrote was the one responsible of voting me so generously then. Interestingly, now that I am reading your post, I was like (Darn it man! He is awesome. I wish he appears to vote me again. LOL).
Funny how things work here on Steemit. We need more posts like this they present educational information about how steemit works, the tricks, the problems, the okays and the no nos, from knowledgeable people to new people.
As new comers, with all the marketing hype we heard before joining steemit, it is easy to think that making money here is easy breezy, especially seeing the huge numbers that some new people are making and continue making. Not a very good thing for the morale to find that we are not good enough to reach there as fast. Knowledge is power.
Thanks again for sharing :)