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RE: Softfork 0.22.2 // The Steema Carta

in #witness5 years ago

Hi Quillfire,

While I don't pretend to know whether or not anyone has broken any laws here, anyone who has been anywhere near the legal system knows NOTHING is an open and shut case certainly not perceived verbal agreements. So, the going to jail thing is so over the top it pretty much cancels out the rest of anything you said. Not saying it couldn't happen, but.. come on..

All of the legalities around crypto are mostly untested.

Typical of your style... It's a bit dramatic.

Had you said, I seriously think you have broken some laws, which put you in danger of being prosecuted this might have made sense.

Anyway, good to see you.



What are the Top 20 Witnesses trying to accomplish?

agree to forfeit his right to vote for Witnesses thereby guaranteeing that they (and their agenda) remain in control of the blockchain.They're trying to FORCE @justinsunsteemit to agree not to vote his stake: and to wit,

Their manner of coercion is to hold his holdings hostage. This deprives him of his right to challenge them or even sell his stake in an effort to exit the blockchain completely. If he wants his money, he must agree to their terms ... while under duress.

That's extortion.'s Definition of Extortion:

  • "Obtaining money or property by threat to a victim's property or loved ones, intimidation, or false claim of a right ... It is a felony in all states, except that a direct threat to harm the victim is usually treated as the crime of robbery."

The speculation I've read is that he paid USD $10 million to buy out Steemit Inc. USD $10 million that he can't access or control unless he cedes to their coercive demands ... and you think I'm being a bit dramatic?

When I'm not fooling around in order to earn a few of your Drama Tokens, I hope you may have noticed that LOGIC is typical of my style.

Good to chat with you too. It's been awhile.


I do not the support nor endorse the direction they have taken.

Surprisingly so far Justin seems to be taking it better than I would have.

Next steps by both parties should be interesting

This ignorant user is spreading dangerous lies in order to attempt to gain popularity and attention from the new commie overlord. Ignore the ignorant twat bag, you'll immediately feel better about your life.

This ignorant user is spreading dangerous lies in order to attempt to gain popularity and attention from the new commie overlord. Ignore the ignorant twat bag, you'll immediately feel better about your life.

Wow, I feel so important. :) Classy.