The 'trending' on the upcoming 'media' site, will have similar scraping mechanisms, more keen on unique comments made by and on authors' posts. Still a work in progress, but like where you are going and will defo keep that in mind. Great idea.
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Oh I you'll just build a different UI that does the thing. Rather than rely on a consensus witness vote for the blockchain, and rather than expect Hive to do it...I wonder if we could just confer with @asgarth on something like this. I'd hate to reinvent a pretty darn good wheel.
Because theoretically you would not be changing code, or how the blocks operate within a set or subset of rules. You would simply change how they APPEAR on the main page, or within an individual's feed....hmmmmm.
I believe peakd is always open to suggestion. They nodded when I mentioned having a chat feature and even thought I don't use it much, I'm glad it's there!
Are you the one who proposed that? Actually, I'm certain many people have proposed that.