
Is this not how it's done @mathowl?

suesa pointed out a spelling error :P so now it is !complimentowl
anyway currently it is down. In a few hours you can say

!owl give a compliment

ah this is from 14 hours ago. Not sure why it didn't find it.

!owlbot I think somebody deserves a compliment

hey you! yes @justtryme90, you are awesome! If you were an owl you would have big tail feathers. Just keep being you, you are great.

Here have some rep

!owlbot <3

Not sure what you want but here is a cute owl

!owlbot tell @mathowl he is the best

owlbot's vocab is a bit lacking at the moment since her dictionary is a bit small

Not sure what you want but here is a cute owl

How rude, I just told you want I wanted you to do. Plus, thats not an owl. :D