Why God Created Woman

in #woman5 years ago


God created the sky and the stars,the sun and the moon and the earth. Then He created creatures to inhabit the earth -

The fish that live in the waters.

The animals that live on the land and

The birds that fly in the air.

But when he had finished doing all these,He was not satisfied. He created man and gave him dominion over all He had created. He then created woman as his companion.

A woman therefore may possess the helplessness that is proverbial of her kind but her divine nature endures. It is woman's divine nature that had earned her great attractions to man. From the beginning, man has struggle to get the most appropriate knowledge of woman but not succeeded.

From then,a woman has been described in a multitude of ways: she is the most beautiful, a little gazzle,a plum blossom, "dearest hind and the most agreeable fawn'. Her smile is likened to the splendor of the rising sun. She is the most beautiful in the universe. She is all beauty rolled into one.

And what makes a woman most wonderful is the fact that she has a special mission in life- that of womanhood. She is therefore the most important in the family. She has a divine purpose because she is a woman.

As a woman,she is an embodiment of deep piety and selfless devotion. A woman is love in all spheres of life and living she helps to make the world go round smoothly and surely with sweetness and love.

There is not a place on earth or heaven; there is not a task to humanity given; there is not a blessing or woe, there is not a whisper yes or no; there is not a life; death or birth that has a feather's weight of work without a woman being involved.

A woman has many roles to perform. The important role of a woman is

A. A wife

B. A mother

C. A teacher

D. Family doctor.

E. An economics manager in the family.

When a woman is found wanting in carrying out her roles as she ought to,the effect reflect on the society.

Image source: Taken from pexels.com

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