Dear Society, do you respect women?

in #women7 years ago

Dear Society,

How do you see a woman?
Like the Queen on a chessboard? Or a feeble neck to hold a largely oversized head? Who saves her from the devouring jaws of lust? The cold caressing of vulnerability?

Why do sons conjure energy to blatantly shout at their mothers? And husbands make a punch bag out of their wives.
Why does a woman have to manage an unworthy man in her life than be seen with no man at all?
Why do we give women that same "you-are-not-complete-without-a-man" attitude.

A young boy sees a lady as a means to an end, an end between two large roads; her succulent thighs forming boulevards to the centre of his attraction.

A woman has to dress in sobriety, not because it is moral to do so, but because if she exposes parts of her body, she might be tempting a man. What happens to the man who isn't minding his own business?
Why do we call a working class spinster "Iron lady" and a pot bellied bachelor "Oga"?
It's easy to point fingers at the men. But while men have their stones to fry, women are not helping any matters.
Some have become willing brides to low self esteem and patriots of lesser virtues.
Society cannot respect you when your character spells the opposite of respect. A woman, being a flower of all beauty, should also be a champion of virtue. You cannot eat your cake and have it. This isn't the gospel of a better tomorrow, we still have today. Work starts now!
So, the next time you see a woman, look beyond her appearance and first, see a human being, an equal in rationality, a friend, a wife and a mother. This is common sense! Be tender.

*Pictures gotten from Google.