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RE: My Bra Decision

in #women8 years ago

I know it's pretty off topic from your post, but that background water is gorgeous.

And, keep doing you! Don't wear bras if they're not for you, there's nothing wrong with that. Though, I'm just curious, how often do you feel cold? I start wondering if I'm anemic or something at times because of how often I feel like I'm freezing when it's fairly warm out. Is it like that for you at all? Or, is it just due to wind/weather in your area?


That was in Cancun, and yes the water is beautiful there. :)

I am cold easily. I am a cardigan lover and usually have one with me and use as needed. There's rarely a day I don't spend part or lots of it with chill bumps...and therefore pokey nipples. But they are just boobs...they are just nipples! I know people think it's odd, but I just refuse to hide parts of myself any longer. They can look away if a nipple offends them. ✌🏾

Man, I need to get out of the midwest. So many beautiful places get shared on here, meanwhile I'm stuck looking at suburbs or I can travel 45 minutes away to look at corn/farmland, lol.

I was just asking that part because I literally feel like I'm sitting in front of an air condtioner sometimes when I'm out walking around in the day and it's 75-85 degree's. People give me really weird looks when I'm wearing a hoodie when it's 89 out, lol. And, also, like I said, you do you. No reason to feel ashamed or uncomfortable over something like that at all. Just be comfortable and happy :)