I like your idea that a woman is a strength of a man. I’m not sure I agree that a woman was solely created to help a (male) leader. I believe that she was created to help and be a leader of help to this world ❤️
Anyway, I support the fact that we should all embrace the things we are good at, no matter a man or a woman, and stop fighting for something just for the sake of fighting 😊
well not only the male leader per se. But on other words this post has only pointed to women that instead of trying to fix themselves in the roles of males, they should however look on tge bright sjde of what they were called to achieve and embrace it. Only then can women become true leaders and great transformation to the world.
This post also has in more ways than one, encouraged submission to the husband by the wife, so that families can grow in love, unity and the world we live in can have great changes.
You can now see that the woman has a huge role to play when she sees as a helper, a role model which is a big job as a leadership call.
Thanks for your answer!
I guess I just don’t like the word ‘submission’ applied to anyone, not only to women. But yes, I understand your point and agree with the idea that we should embrace our true calling which is individual to every single person but could also in some ways be applied to the gender roles.