Who told you that you can not rise from nothing to something, that you do not have a voice? Well maybe you should think twice. Over the years, women allowed themselves to be downtrodden by the events in their lives. Some sold their power out and became powerless. While most do not even know the powers they possess.
A friend of mine who did not hide anything about how he felt about women and power said that he didn't think he would have survived as a woman. Am glad some men now see what power a woman possess. The power I talk about is not the one to do evil and all of those negative stuffs. But a one to change our world, positive power to inspire.
I laughed so hard when he told me that men does not have stories, that it is always the woman who has something to say and everyone would believe. "This to me is power", he said.
Over the years there had been women who came out and told their stories, they told their hearts to making others know the truth of how important women are. That is why I agree that thriugh our stories we are stronger. We are our stories.
However, it is not news that what ever a man can do a woman can do. Amazingly some men support women and their dreams and encourage them to become what they want to be.
Today we are going to be looking into the life of the famous Oprah Winfery. This fierce,fearless, brave and beautiful woman has become the voice of so many women. Here is a little about her:
Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a teenage single mother and later raised in an inner-city Milwaukee neighborhood. She has stated that she was molested during her childhood and early teens and became pregnant at 14; her son died in infancy.Sent to live with the man she calls her father, a barber in Tennessee, Winfrey landed a job in radio while still in high school and began co-anchoring the local evening news at the age of 19. Her emotional ad-lib delivery eventually got her transferred to the daytime talk show arena, and after boosting a third-rated local Chicago talk show to first place, she launched her own production company and became internationally syndicated.
Looking at Oprah Winfery's life, a woman is power, bold and unexceedingly wonderful, who has suffered a great deal in life at her early age; no one would have thought she'd be where she is today. It is at the sight of challenges that you know those who deserve success. Due to the way life was to her, ahe understood what it means not to have a voice, to be in pain, humilation and irrelevant; and she became a voice of many without any fear or favour.
To me success does not determine how much you have, but how many battles you have fought and won. Success is the power you have to change things, to be important in the lives of people through what you are. Success is experience you learnt from, the arrows that pierced through you yet the end product was still your goal.
Women upholding women.
I chose to talk about women today because we are always at the receiving end in most cases. We are overly ridden on and like as if "female" is the worst word to some men, I don't understand it.
To me the reason why there would be more talks about women is because women pass through so much despite their fragile nature, that is why those who survive are overly celebrated and reckoned as strong. As for men, they are known to be shock absorbers, they were fashioned to be strong, to protect and to provide. They have been privileged right from time and are still like that.
Of recent, I went to an abattoir to buy some meat. So I bought some and told the seller that I would come back to get it. On my way back, I met a friend on the way whom we went back to the abattoir to get my meat. On getting there he said that he loves goat meat and all of that but that he does not eat she-goats. I asked him why, he said because they are female. This was fascinating, I became seriously inquisitive about why he preferred he to she goats. He said, " don't get me wrong, she-goats are tasty and good but I just do not like it, it makes me throw up." Trust me I wanted to ask him why that happens to him but their was no use.
This only made me understand something, that in as much as some men know the potential women possess, they just don't want to see it because they are WOMEN.
O yes... mind you am not here to set debates on men and women power but the earlier we start accepting the woman in a woman, the better.
Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we have.
-Oprah Winfery.
I watched Oprah mount the stage, bold as she held the award with pride and spoke with all authority. She is really a goddess and a mirror for all young women to look and see what is embedded in a woman. Watch her speech here.
Be the kind of woman that commands Respect, a woman of truth, honour, kind. Be a woman of virtue.
Yes women have flaws, we make mistakes and sometimes extreme but it does not change the fact that through us a lot can change for a better world.
The power is within us.
Over the years, so many women have given up on their dreams, thrown them away, abused them and feel they are created not to have any. Women have been made to believe that silence is showing respect; lack of expression as good character; insecurity a way of maintaining peace.
Back in the days women dare not stand for what they believed in. It was the norm of, "When a man speaks no woman should speak next." That was why their mentality was crowded with only rearing children.
Most cases; in Nigeria as I can say, once a girl is married, gives birth. She forgets her dreams, she is focused in taking care of the children while the man provides. If she was one who wanted to be in school before the marriage, that would be the end. These does not mean as well that there had not been women that took it to develop themselves irrespective of what their challenges was. Believe me that is what we are talking about.
We are everything.
Do not think that your power as a woman is not known. Your power to be anything is right there but some have decided not to see it.
Our young girls are growing, there are many of them. They need us to show them that women are strong, unbreakable and sweet.
Let the young ones see every need to embrace their gender, to be proud of their sexuality and do well in the world at the same bringing it out of the mess it is already.
Through times of serious discrimination some women remained strong and ever going. It is our turn now and We have to uphold that as women. Never believe you are weak and so would not work hard to be the person you are meant to be, because that power is already yours. Let us change the world. Let us take it and restore it once again.
A woman for president?- it is possible!
If you have survived worse there is nothing you can not do. Oprah Winfery having won the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globe Awards as the first black woman to do so. It portrayed that there is nothing determination can not do.
Alright, am not going to talk about the whole speculation on Oprah running for Presidentas it all depends on her but that is something she can still do- run and win. But the point am driving home here is that women if can be engineers, scientists, doctors, technicians, mechanics then they can be anything including presidents.
To every woman out there be a source of inspiration to the younger generation. Let them see bright future through you. Do not sell out your right as woman feeling inferior and worthless.
Support the women today. Be it a man or a woman, let your girls see the need to have the sexuality and gender they have. Let them come out without fear and humiliation.
Am happy and appreciate all men that have supported us, celebrated us and given us the chance to be women, to have a voice and to speak out.
This is dedicated to the icon Oprah Winfrey and every women of the world. Do not let anything take your truth, because that is the best tool you have.
Speak up today, inspire someone today and be the woman today. I am a woman, I am strong and I have accepted my existence as a woman. What about you?
hi dear,, you are beautifull writer,,,, i soppurted you alltime
Thank you very much my friend.
I agree with you women should be properly appreciated in the society. The problem is the unbalanced world we find ourselves, but despite that a woman can still stand out.
Enjoy the vote and reward!
I think the ability to stand out is really one great ability strong women have. Thank you very much.
about half of our population is woman......so if restrict woman's empowerment,we can not go to the highest peak of success
Exactly. Women are important as you rightly put dear.
Always happy to see people who defied all odds to make it to the pinnacle of their career.
I think at the end of the day we stick to that the pinnacle is truly ours.
Now woman power are rapidly growth in the world, don't be frustrated time for yours @gloglo
Thank you very much
I am a woman, I am strong and I have accepted my existence as a woman.
Wonderful write.
Thank you @gloglo
Thank you very much.
Oprah's life is a testimony to world on what power women has and to what extent they can exert the power.
The truth is, every women is naturally powerful, however it takes only a few to channel such power into doing marvelous things devoid of negativity.
It is a good thing you used Oprah as a case study. She inspires and tell all women and men too that power could be attained in a just and noble means.
You have done justice to this work dear. Thanks for the share.
And the comment was magnificent, I really appreciate .
This is so true. Oprah is one person that has turned that power of a woman into something productive.
That is why I respect her a lot.
Exactly. You have indeed spoken well.
This is wonderfully written. Women are at the receiving end mostly and they have to slug it out with all countering forces to come out stronger. I celebrate them and encourage them to hold their head high for the world has no option than to recognize them as rare gems.
Shaggy once said in a song title "Strength of a woman"
Oprah might not be the best role model(based on some hidden facts) but she sure is an Amazon, her going into politics makes me wonder how powerful this madam could go farther.
She is wonderful... all women in general. The strenght of a woman is just too obvious to ignore. Thank you.
After God fear woman. Nice article der
Right? Yeah.
sure thing lol
The both power will be be mix your mention are appreciated
Thank you... they are indeed.
Very true gloglo. It is so important to speak about women's power. I know so many women who become obedient against their will, they forgot about their dreams and goals. Too many of us were quiet for too long, it's time to speak up.
You are very correct my friend. So many have endured, so many have given up for one purpose or the other. I think someone like you and I can speak for them.
Contemporary feminist. I'm just proud of you...your words @gloglo
Hahaha... thank you very much
You can rise to the top no matter what, is all about believing in yourself. Good post dear we need to read more of your post to get out of our she'll. You have my up vote on this thanks