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RE: On China's Leftover Women: Single and Successful

in #women9 years ago

It boggles the mind that there are still societies where women are ridiculed or even persecuted for self expression and independence. I think India is an even more extreme example, considering that they have a female leader. Women constitute over 50% of the worlds population, so it's statistically impossible for every woman to marry into a monogamous relationship. But history has shown that an oppressed people work even harder towards freedom and self-expression. I think before long China will see a woman in the Politburo. They have made great strides in recent years, and women's rights are a logical step in the chain.


Rights have nothing to do with the phenomenon being discussed on this page.

What about the right of every human being to be considered equal, and not have tags or expectations placed on them because of age, race, gender or sexual orientation? The fact that women are treated like second class citizens in some countries is most certainly about rights. African Americans were legally allowed to go to school, hold jobs, own businesses in the US in the 1960's, but they were often ridiculed for doing so, and were discouraged from trying to better themselves. The movement to change this was called the Civil RIGHTS Movement.