Women do not have a problem sharing the bed with multiple men. And the other way around, men do not have a problem of having multiple partners between the sheets during their life. A British study has shown that men in their life share the bed with 15.64 women on average. Women do not do lag behind with an avarage of 14.56 men.
One-third of women older than 50 have had an affair, one in five British women has sex three times a week. 42 percent of men and 31 percent of women have kissed someone else while they were in a relationship.
The results were obtained from a thorough study of 13,000 relationships, led by psychiatrist Brett Kahr.
14 percent of the 30 year olds were already committing adultery during a permanent relationship. Between the ages of 30-40, this percentage was even higher, totalling 23 percent, with 55 year olds the percentage was 32.
It may sound surprising but older people cheat on their partners more than youngsters. The reason why? After years of working hard and taking care of family and family, they can not resist anything that can give them a little satisfaction, even at a sexual level. In many cases, it is the last chance to experience some sexual satisfaction.
"Sex is perhaps the most sensitive measuring gage of a relationship, even if we do not want to admit it,"(source Brett Kahr).