Mother's Little Helper - Sepia Officinalis

in #women7 years ago (edited)

 With resentments and emotions  bubbling away, carrying the delusion  that I was bearing  the burden of “everything” due to my overwhelmed state.  Is this really how it should be?

Modern day life and society have redefined the role of a mother. Long gone are the days when being a mum meant all your time was devoted to your children and family. That now seems like a distant memory.

In homeopathy we talk about the principle “like cures like” i.e. a substance which can cause symptoms if taken in large doses, can be used in minute doses to treat similar symptoms.   Interestingly,  this can also be apparent in my practice.

Earlier on, as a newly qualified homeopath, having dedicated years of my life to its study, along with the juggling of work, two young children, traveling across the county to student clinics. 

I found myself exhausted, stretched beyond my limits, out of sync with myself  and my own needs for nurture and self-care.  With my nearest and dearest encountering the wrath of my irritation,  wondering how, why, what, when?  As I continued to run myself ragged to get everything completed to finally become a qualified Homeopath!  

Then the light bulb moment!  I was actually in a true “sepia” case,  all the keynotes of the homeopathic remedy, were there,  staring me literally in the face ( and those closest to me!).

Remedy was taken and the results were near to miraculous. I soon become the independent, energetic, fun loving women I had lost amongst the stress and strain of trying to “do it all”.  What I did find was that as soon as became a “healthy sepia” along came a particular type of patient.

Women, who were really feeling life was dragging them down, exhausted with the stresses and strains of work and family life, overwhelmed, irritable with emotions and hormones all over the place.

Made from the cuttlefish ink, Sepia, as you’ve probably guessed is mainly a female remedy and works wonders with hormones; PMT, menopause.  It’s a great detox remedy from HRT and the contraception pill. I have many patients who literally find themselves again, once their hormones are back in check, including myself.

Old school homeopaths nicknamed it the “Washerwoman’s” remedy, depicting a women spending for hours and hours washing clothes by hand, scrubbing away with children hanging off her apron strings, whilst she’s crying into the soap suds!!

So, if you are reading this and feeling that; you’ve got too much to do and not enough time, endless lists of “to dos” but forgetting the fundamental things, struggling to get your motivation fired up, even with the fun things or the guilty feelings from being irritable and snappy to loved ones.

Maybe its time to look at homeopathy to re-balance and get things back on track.