I am a woman. I graduated college with a degree in Mathematics and Physics, studied towards my Master's for computer science, and worked as a software engineer for a Fortune500 company. Yet, when I am at various blockchain conferences, people often mistake my brother, the founder and CEO of VeganNation, to be the "techy" one. Funny enough, my brother never graduated high-school and is a self-taught, self-made business man. Which is great, however, ironic to see how social stereotypes play into how people will judge us as partners.
I constantly feel like I have to prove myself and my worth. There is an unspoken ideal women in the workplace (and women in general) must hold up to. However, in the age of disruption, I'm disrupting. I am calling on women everywhere to break stereotypes, to be fearless, to voice their ideas ( provocative as they may be), to share their vision of a better future. We are the underdog of the high-tech world and by default, are well-portioned to lead this incredible revolution for the people and by the people.
I invite men in the industry to lead by example as well. Instead of hiring companion women to attract attention at blockchain conferences - maybe retrain your secretary or personal assistant, teach them to program! I guarantee you they would welcome the opportunity with open arms. Stop spending your money on superficial means of degrading the image of women in the blockchain world and start spending it on retraining women and making an actual difference.