
Is there anything worse?!!? I mean really I feel like I'd rather endure malaria sometimes! (ok that's dramatic, and apologies to anyone out there with malaria) but missing someone you love... no fun! Thanks for all the support! <3

Funny you say that. I got Malaria once when I was living in Zanzibar. My boy was also on the Island at the time, but we where staying about an hour away from each other and money was tight. I was working at a guest house and he was out farming and building with the locals.

But ye, Malaria is not that bad if you catch it early. You take one mega pill and have flu symptoms for about 2 days. Then right as rain.

I once met a biker that was travelling Africa that said he got malaria 7 times on the way down!

Heavens... I can't imagine being that sick and on your own! I must say in super thankful we both have our health for the most parts, always room for improvement but nothing on the level of 7x malaria! Damn!


Like Sparta... but more dangerous. lol