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RE: Sex is normal - so why do we shield our teens from it?

in #womenspeakout7 years ago

She didn't name y'all. She didn't even say the community was on Steem/Discord. She used her experience to make a point. You and @rhondak are the ones who decided to make this about your group, and in the process have made it clear how unwelcoming, rigid, and downright mean the leading attitudes are.

Good to know, I guess?


Indeed. Certain people are definitely a bad fit for our group and we don’t waste time trying to cater to them. That frees us up to commit maximum resources to the serious-minded writers who are invested in their craft. As a result, we have a very engaged community with almost no drama.

This may be the ugliest comment that I have ever read on Steem, and I have read some pretty low down disgusting trolling before.

Oh, believe me--I can show you some much uglier ones. Aimed at me.

I find it interesting that you think it's okay for someone to falsify information about an encounter (I could care less that she didn't name names--she bloated and exaggerated a situation and presented false information looking to rally a cause.) I also find it interesting that you find a factual statement made about the environment of our community on Steemit to be offensive. I assume this to mean that you take issue with the fact that we don't allow drama and focus on serious writers, whether they are new to the craft or experienced? This is puzzling, and I think you're in the minority, seeing as how our group is jammed packed and stays busy 24/7, is one of the largest writing groups on Discord, partnered with the largest writing group on Discord with zero drama. . . I'm sorry, @carlgnash. I simply don't understand what bothers you about that. Maybe we're supposed to have problems internally and struggle round the clock for you to think we're appropriate?

For reference, I'm posting screenshots of the "unwelcoming" attitude our group had toward Isabelle Lauren when she came into the group. She's the one who didn't give us a chance, not the other way around. So it is very much an affront to see her on Steemit whining about needing a "more supportive community."

Given the welcome she actually did receive, I think folks should be asking themselves exactly why her exploits with other online writing groups "didn't work out."

Shes trying to be nice. And your treatment of her here on the blockchain has only confirmed her fears. Not to mention your attack on @britlib16

Threatening to flag her and calling steemcleaners


There are nice people in there but you should let ppl know that its not a nurturing atmosphere and that you the leader and gmuxx another strong leader are so insanely opposed to these genres.

Question, what makes you think that isabelle lauren is drama? Because she thought that she would be welcomed and then didnt feel that way and left or that she used a vague reference to highlight her experience ( btw she didn't misquote anyone)

What about isabelle lauren says that shes not a serious-minded writer??

When you say you don't waste time on people it makes them feel insignificant and unimportant.

Your insistance that the way you talk to people is completely rational and welcoming is being supported by the people in your group.

As i have been checked so many times by my team,i encourageyour team to also do so-- if the have the genitals to do so. Sure hope there isnt too much "drama"

gmuxx another strong leader are so insanely opposed to these genres.

When did I ever say I was 'insanely opposed' to these genres? I personally don't mind a little titillation from such 'works'. I even tried reading that 50 Shades guff and gave in after a chapter or two. Why? Badly written one dimensional characters involved in an unrealistic version of the BDSM community. How do I know? Because I have friends who ARE involved in real life BDSM.

Do I want to run a writers group that thrusts such writing in the faces of young teens? No. I personally think the world is already too sexualised for our children. That is my opinion and it is as valid as any screaming banshee's.

What makes me think she's into drama? Why, this post, of course. And the way it was set up to put the focus on the "writing group" who offended her, when that actually had nothing to do with the subject matter she wrote about. I don't believe it was done in innocence at all. It was shoehorned into the opening in true passive aggressive style.

One of the issues Steemcleaners addresses is tag abuse. It is tag abuse when people use inappropriate tags to try and draw more attention to their posts. Also, Steemcleaners has a large stake in users who fail to use the NSFW tag when it's needed. So there were two violations of community guidelines that SC might be interested in.

I suppose that next you'll be inferring that female users who plagiarize other writers deserve to get away with it because they're simply disenfranchised women who need to be cut some slack. sigh

And nurturing? We never painted ourselves as "nurturing" at The Writers' Block. That's some mammary-gland-fueled psychobabble you came up with because it's clearly what you need as a person. We offer guidance and assistance for people looking to improve their writing skills on a professional level. And we're almost always successful when those people aren't too vain or egocentric or insecure to take advantage of it. But one thing remains certain: even though some of our most successful writers do feel nurutured in our community, one thing we do not and never will "nurture" is drama. It's virtually nonexistent there. And that is because we are not afraid to stand up to people who crave attention and throw tantrums when it turns out the world does not revolve around them.