Many thanks for this announcement and reflection of yours. As I am a woman I have my thoughts on that, too. I started last year a weekly gathering on the topic of womanly themes. It was an experiment how much awareness I will produce and what the reactions might be. I don't know yet, whether I'll continue or not. Right now it lays on ice.
I live in a world, where womanly topics - compared to technical and economical publications - are not so much on the agenda of the public broadcasts. They reach of course a lot of awareness where the interfaces between topics like birth giving touch the connected professions and institutions. For the most part, the social work is done by females as they naturally appear to be endowed with social skills that aim at cooperation rather than competition. The ability to communicate in the group is based on the fact that isolation from the group means death. In the context of modern societies this may not be a physical death, but an emotional isolation.
I tend to experience that men with problems tend to deal with them on their own, whereas women do so with their friends or mothers or other women or institutions. They reflect, suffer, laugh and exchange thoughts, almost every opportunity that arises. This is not particularly pronounced among men. The support of other men seems to consist rather in the fact that one supports oneself in business ventures or spends time together in leisure activities. Men like to solve problems before wanting to get in touch with a woman. These are only tendencies and not statements of mine, carved in stone. They are based on the experiences I have had.
With this form of introduction, I would like to encourage you men to promote the potential for cooperation and to unite the existing resources of both genders.
Even more important I find that men look for another form of cooperation and heart-to-heart relationships within their gender.
How much men and women can compete with each other and make women ridiculous, I described on the basis of an experience of mine, when I gave an example of how to enforce one of my concerns. I often find it a hindrance that men focus on the "great questions of humanity", forgetting that they have to solve equally important questions in their everyday lives. This provokes women to attack, which is questionable as well.
So while the man wants to save the whole world, the woman "only" wants to "save" the family or her close ones. I deliberately exaggerate in order to clarify this point.
Thank you for taking a look at this topic and adding this aspect to the huge blockchain content pool.
We all get sick, old and die. We need people who feel safe with these issues and are willing to give us good guidance.