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RE: Healing Codes: Addictions, Co-Dependency & Lightworker 4th Dimensional Psychic Vampire Vulnerability Entanglements

Yes there is a whole trend going on right now in relation to magick that is exploiting its roots also using light work as a guise for what it truly is, witchcraft. I do not associate with witchcraft work, you know that it’s witchcraft when it is solely focused on magical powers, rather than spirits & Ancestors Of The Earth. Go ahead, step on they toes! We have to be okay with cursing those who curse us, & praising those who feed us not the other way around.

We do have multiple twin flames, multiple soul mates that come to us in many forms. Soul mates come to teach us lessons, where as twin flames come to keep us stable. I will be using those two steps from the book. Energy cleansing is necessary in relationships, I feel the best way to start is by practicing celibacy— then progressing by using reiki & other things to heal any tethered cords. Thanks For Posting ⭐️🐍


I hope im not upsetting either of you but im not fully understanding. Why is witchcraft cursing you? Also what is the difference between your beliefs and new age that is not rooted in witchcraft?

The roots of magic come from energies of the earth, witchcraft today is being used as a ruse by celestial beings to perpetuate lies + confusion & Keep Ancestors Of The Earth In slumber. Witchcraft is not the same as being a spiritualist, Oracle, shaman, etc. witchcraft is rooted in paganism, that dispositions power away from Ancestors Of The Earth & into something that can seemingly be manipulated & possessed. Witchcrafts main guise is rooted in spellwork, which is the ways Energy is spoken through words. The vibration of the words plus the intent behind it. A lot of things become easy to see through when you raise your vibrational Frequency, such as words people use, & the way they use them most times unaware of what they are actually saying.

There is an energy present that is leading more & more people to crave raising their vibration. The thing is their are also many people who practice magick in all the wrong ways, that I feel Leave people even more confused perpetuating nonsense.

Ok i see the difference. and i think its entirely posdible that someone sees it differentky. For me spiritualist, oracle, shaman these are all different terms for different belief systems, like witchcraft. I am having trouble seeing why one is ok to step on and the other is not. I know a lot if pagans n they are really cool, really sweet ppl. Just like you!

the way I have defined the difference is that a shaman, oracle, priest or priestess is here to take care of the earth and their particular communities--help them thrive. I don't see that in the pagan community too much. I see people using divine energies very selfishly to make their personal power central. Also as @esaia.mystic mentioned (I'm paraphrasing here) there was an ancestral lineage here that is connected to the earth that is being totally ignored and or used by people practicing magick that do not honor them or make sure they are taken care of. It is vampirism to me...

I'm glad you are speaking so directly about what's happening @esaia.mystic. When I first started noticing what was happening it was shocking. People are not honoring the ancestors of the land or the cultures that are supposed to be caretakers its all take, take, take. But Ma'at always restores...

Ok i see that, sort of..except that you are still blending cultures/beliefs. although that is your perspective of paganism that doesn't mean that all pagans believe that. I only say this because as a community in #teamgirlpowa I think that while we may disagree its important to respect others veiws and practices. We do have so many different women. In fact there are Christians that would say this is all the devils work. I would ask them to reconsider their view as well. Thanks for listening and responding!

@limabeing, I do respect others beliefs and no, I'm not blending different cultures in what I am saying. This post comes from years of experience (since the 1980s of being involved in my spiritual path and I'm now 63) and I have seen this pattern with my own eyes enough over the years to say what I'm saying with some authority. I get your point but it is not my point of the article. I knew this could be a somewhat triggering blog post that's why I put the disclaimer to read at your own risk. I don't know all new agers, magicians, wiccans, witches or sorcerers but what I see tells me a lot. There are some witches who are connected to the land (those traditions are primarily over in Europe) I know some of them and they are just as frustrated. I'll share a quick story: before people were flocking to Sedona, AZ I went there a few times on a personal retreat. This was before the 'new agers' took over and big business started building hotels, and retreat centers on top of the sacred lands and vortexes there to accommodate the gold rush to "connect with the ancient spirituality" and ceremonies there. Some well-meaning I'm sure (at least I hope) built a Lakota medicine wheel right on top of one of the vortexes. The native nations/tribes to the area are Hopi, Zuni, and Navajo. Those tribes/nations don't even use a medicine wheel! This is the disrespect I see all over. As for most Christian sects, they are not for the most part on my radar--I have sort of a live and let live attitude to the ones who would come to me with the 'you're going to hell' mentality I would probably smile and keep it moving without engaging in back and forth conversation. I hope this clears up any confusion about what I'm saying in this post...

sort of. I wasn't triggered by your post. I thought it was very interesting. I'm only trying to understand what you practice. Also, yes, to say that there are very loving pagans in teamgirlpowa im not one of them . I dont believe in much besides science but i've been curious about metaphysics through quantumn physics. The concept of balanced and shared energy... etc is interesting. I dont believe in all of it though and look at it from a practical point of view. 🤷‍♀️Maybe you'll change my mind :D