Ahhbut Carl, then hed have to take us at face value and trust.
As for "what we will do" we having been working on our white paper but want it to be as airtight as possible. Its especially difficult because we have to find, assemble , and compile both irl and blockchain data.
manhardfork table unless she went back in to the top 20. Why is that? Because no woman wants to run a server and run a program 24/7 in order to have a voice is the answer i get.What is clear is that there is only one female identified person in the top 50 witnesses. I'm not sure where @patrice is at but its not top 50 even tho i have campaigned for her as the creator of @steemcleaners The female identified person is @crimsonclad who is a partner with @followbtcnews Of course, when i mention this, i am often reminded that @followbtcnews is a and msny dont know they they work together. They dont know all of the work she does unless they are in @minnowsupport and at that, she still doesn't have a seat at the
When i suggsted tgp run a witness server pretty much everyone was saying "are you crazy" ?! Not enough women whales to get the support to break even. At that , who knows who all of the few female supporting whales are and how do we ask for their support? To do so would be intimidating at the least.
@stellabelle has supported us in the past and i hope that still stands.
"The money"
Will be put into SP as we are working towards being a curation guild and media outlet.
But... thats a ways off. If this works. With the year we will be employing our moderators just as curie does! Into the following year work for on-the-ground-efforts in venezuela, south africa, nigeria, and either aceh or manilla. But these are lofty goals. Only time will tell if we get anywhere close. Thank the universe some folks believe in us !!! @carlgnash is one of them
Why would you assume that I don't take firsthand accounts at face value? I haven't written anything to indicate that I don't trust women or take them at their word.
I voted for Patrice for witness, she deserves a higher spot