This giant burl is going threw it's last winter out in the weather and will move to the shop in the spring. The little black hen is about the size of a football for scale.
This giant burl is going threw it's last winter out in the weather and will move to the shop in the spring. The little black hen is about the size of a football for scale.
If you need a place to store that burl ill send you my There are some great guitar slides just in cutoffs and scraps of that baby....
How big do you think a blank block should be to make a slide?
man you have probably hundreds or maybe even thousands of slides in there.......LOL.....I make them half bone and half wood. The harder the wood the better hence using burl(besides the fact it looks awesome). The blank should be a whopping 3L X 1H X1.5Wheres a couple pics of ones I'm working on now........![phmslide.jpg] (
When I do cut it up I'll send you a chunk.......send your address to [email protected]
That's going to produce some real interesting figure.
I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. Sell it as a raw burl? Make pen or knife and gun grip blanks? Or Guitar slides like mrkstn1 recommended?
Could be anything. Check out the discord channel and ask about.
Woodworking on Steem Discord Channel