just a short demo of my X-Carve Dust Control System.
Please visit my blog for more information.
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just a short demo of my X-Carve Dust Control System.
Please visit my blog for more information.
So how do you like the xcarve? I was thinking of getting one to make guitar and ukulele parts and was wondering. With the bigger table setup do you think the machine itself would handle making guitar bodies or necks?
I like to X-Carve very much. I would recommend it to anyone who’s asking.
Some thoughts .
You need a lot a space for the machine. Mine is 1000mm. My table is around 1200x1200mm.
The machine is a kit. You will need a few hours/days to build it up. The description is very good, but you should like this kind of work.
You cannot compare it to a professional machine. It's an amateur/semiprofessional one. You cannot cut aluminum like butter. It’s possible, but you need some time.
X-Carve has a big and great community. There are a lot of help and different improvements to the machine.
You NEED a dust collection. :) Otherwise you have the dust everywhere.
I hope this helps.
And yes. Its possible.
Check this out.
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