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WordPress is one of the most popular CMS (content management System) because it is very easy to use. A person who does have any programming knowledge can easily use WordPress to create stunning website and online store. WordPress have more than 40% of market share and it is growing day by day.
Since last 7 years I am using WordPress and for me it is not just a software to build the website but have emotional attachment with it because I have make many friends using this platform by participating is WordPress Forum, Wordcamp and local Meetup.
As WordPress is one of the most popular CMS therefore it is main target of hacker. As per Sucuri which clean and protect website investigated in year 2018 that WordPress is Most Popular Hacked CMS. You can see the complete report Here.
Creating a strong password and changing the URL of your WordPress login Dashboard is a good idea to secure your WordPress Website but integrating Two Factor Authentication would be much better. I this post I will guide you how you can integrate two factor authentication on your Word Press website.
First you have to head over to your WordPress Dashboard and go to plugin section and search for Two Factor Authentication plugin and install it. Go to setting here select the user role which you want to authenticate using Two factor Authentication and select TOTP method which is most common method used by Google Authenticator.
Scan the QR code using Google Authenticator or Authy App and store Private keys at secure place it will be helpful to again integrate Two factor authentication is case you change your smartphone. It recommended from my end use Authy over Google Authenticator because it allows you to keep the backup of all your account with password.
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