Rag is always dirty, and no iota of respect is given to it because it's of no use right? But there's always a place for everything no matter how useless we think of it. Nobody respect a rag until their shoes are dirty. so stay in your corner. Don't beg people to know your value. When the time comes, nobody will tell them to look for you.
Familiarity bring contempt. Don't be too available for people because longtime no see is better than this person has come again. There's no harm in making ourselves available for people but it has become a norm for people to abuse some opportunities.
Control your Anger because it is just one letter away from Danger.
Don't show everyone your wounds, not everyone is holding a bandage, some are with salt and vinegar to increase the pains.
Never plant thorns on someones path. Your children may take that route barefooted one day, and climb the thorns planted by their loved one.It would be more painful if you are the one to treat thrir wound.
One mistake you should never make in this life is to allow yourself to be recruited by someone to hate another person who hasn't wronged you. It's the last thing you should do because enemies can become friends tomorrow. And if that happens, you can't redeem your image anymore. You will only watch both of them from afar, (the person that recruited you to hate, and the person you hate both having a good time as friends.
And lastly, don't compare your life with others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it is their time. Everything has its place and time. Thats the same way we human evolve.
These are just some words from the heart
Thanks for reading
This is ckole the laughing gas
One love.