The Saturn Time Cube Pt. 3

in #words4 years ago

Last time we left off, we were talking about the merging of man with machine and living forever. If you remember part 2, the VR game Observation shows this happening in a weird world between worlds, where multiple realities have all converged onto a single point.

I believe this is a nod to the singularity. In physics and mathematics a singularity is a point where a function takes on infinite value, such as at the bottom of a black hole. However, here I am referring to the technological singularity. Its different but still very much related to this definition.

The technological singularity is a hypothetical point in the future when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. Imagine a rouge Artificial Intelligence hell bent on infinite self improvement.

I believe human beings have free will. Because of this the future is uncertain and there are many different possible timelines we could branch off into. However, after the singularity event, there will only be one possible future. By merging with machines and becoming a part of the hivemind we give up our free will.


This quest to live forever has been going on for all of history. In the past it was called the search for the fountain of youth, the elixir of life, or the philosopher’s stone. Alchemists spent their entire lives trying to find the mysterious substance.

Alchemy is also famous for being the supposed practice of turning lead into gold. It’s funny that people treat this subject like nonsense, because particle accelerators like CERN have now proven this is actually possible. Not only that, but it was from alchemical experiments that chemistry was born.

Isaac Newton, best known for his study of gravityand his laws of motion, was also an alchemist. Historians have estimated that he wrote more than a million words on the subject throughout his lifetime.

I don’t believe alchemy is evil. To me it’s something neutral, like electricity. It can be used to turn on a light or put a man to death. There’s two sides to everything.

The philosopher’s stone symbol, something called ‘squaring the circle’, comes from an ancient and very challenging math problem, and is basically a cute way of saying the alchemist does the impossible. This symbol also has ties to Saturn.


The square is Saturn and the circle is the Moon. The Moon plays an important part in this matrix as well, but that is a whole other subject. I will post a thread on this too. But this is why the Freemasonry symbols are the square and compass.


Squaring the circle symbolism shows up in a lot of places. You ever wonder why it’s called a boxing RING even though it clearly has four corners? Or why a section of a city shaped like two triangles is known as TIME Square?

The same way there are good and bad cops, there are good and bad alchemists. I think the bad ones are like puppeteers behind the scenes, using this knowledge to create illusions, like in Plato’s cave allegory.

Like I said earlier, this matrix is all an illusion. Essentially it’s a virtual reality based on a code made of words. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find out all letters actually have a numeric value. Remember what Pythagoras told us?

In the Bible we are told that God created the world through His Word. We are also told that He spoke light into existence.


These common but cryptic Bible verses tell us that sound came before light and that it was sound that created light. Scientifically speaking this makes sense because sound is light at a lower vibration and light is sound at a higher oscillation.

Light being the first thing God created also holds weight because in theory, the universe could be explained in its entirety by electromagnetic energy. Some physicists believe that when it comes down to it, at the subatomic level, all matter is made up of photons.

But not only are sound and light intrinsically linked, it has been proven that sound can create forms. Like I’ve said before, this has been demonstrated by the study of cymatics.

Whatever word God used to literally speak reality into existence must have been infinitely powerful. For this reason it is something often sought after by occultists, but whatever it was, I believe it was the same as Om, the Musica universalis, or even the “Big Bang”.

If words are the code and can literally affect matter, I think one of the first things we should do to start freeing ourselves from the matrix is to stop speaking bad about ourselves and others. We should talk less and think of our words as important. We shouldn’t just mindlessly throw them out there.

We spell words because they ARE spells. Grammar comes from the word grimoire, which is a book of magical incantations. There’s so many words connections l can’t wait to show you. This is the fun part.

See part 4...


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