One word each day: Day 1

in #words9 years ago (edited)

I love English language. I studied it since i was a child...always learning different words, expressions , later on grammar. There are how ever some words that just stand out...for me at least. They have a specific beauty in the way you pronounce tickles my ears.

So i am going to start writing about them , about those special words that i like so much, either because of their meaning or pronunciation (mostly because of pronunciation).

Don't ask me why i like's hard to explain. Same with certain sounds...can you explain why you like the sounds of rain drops ? Or the sound of ocean waves, or the sound of birds singing in the morning? No, you can't really explain the "why".

So here is the word of today:




What does it mean ?

Well according to dictionaries we have different meanings:

-it means a mixture of various ingredients or elements , synonym with "creation" , "mixture" etc.

-it means an elaborate story, a fabricated one to suit someone purpose , often synonym with "falsification" , "invention" and sometimes "fairy tail".

-it means an elaborate or showy garment or hat.

-it can also mean in a more figuratively way the act of digesting in the mind synonym with "rumination"

A little history ?

Well apparently the word "concoction" was first used by Aristotle as the process of digestion.

But as we all know words get different meanings as time instead of using it for digestion, it started being used for drinks and medicine , ending up this days to being also used for foods and cuisine.

I'll always like the word and how it sounds...mostly because i first heard it in a fairy tail..where the evil witch was preparing some evil concoctions.

Hope you guys enjoyed the light reading!



A great word! I think you'll like The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows! They aren't official words (yet), but they're really relevant and describe feelings and emotions that everyone feels but doesn't have a word to describe!

I know about it!! Pretty awesome...

Oh man, that's fantastic!

I was actually thinking about "sonder" , but went with concoction :D I love this word lol

Sonder is one of my favorite! Now I'm trying to think of words I love... so many.. maybe projection!

One of my very favorite words! I use it as often as possible. Love it!

It has such a nice sound when pronounced ! I dont get the chance to use it often.

I think I'm gonna enjoy following you. Did you know "terrific" means "to incite terror"? I pretend to take offense when someone says "have a terrific day".

I knooow lol English language is sooooo awesome !! lol

Ultimate is another commonly confused word. Have you ever heard the stories of "the Knights of the helmet" and how they helped restructur the English lanuage? I'm not sure if it's true but apparently it was a group led by Francis bacon. It's interesting though.

I never knew! This reminds me of incredible, which means cannot be believed! Not quite the same as awesome or great, which is what it seems to mean. Haha

The meaning of some words have changed so much over time that people forget what they actually meant. It goes the same for specific phrases like: "Great minds think alike, but fools rarely differ." Lots of people don't know the second part of that phrase.

Right! Lots of words change over time. Like the word guy haha. I actually didn't know about the second part either!

You are welcome :) Same goes with "Curiosity killed the cat , but satisfaction brought it back"

Now I've heard of that second part, but barely remember it and haven't heard anyone really say that second part. =O Probably it's just too long and people get lazy saying the whole thing. =D

Now I've heard of that second part, but barely remember it and haven't heard anyone really say that second part. =O Probably it's just too long and people get lazy saying the whole thing. =D

Or they simply don't like it ! :D

Yes! That too!

Showy garment or hat. Didn't know that definition.

So what concoction are you wearing today Tiff?

Ahaahhahahah i think i'll wear casual...

Some light reading is a nice change and I like the one word topic!

I still remember the Ah-ha moment years back when I noticed that the word recognize was really re-cognize, which had a lot more apt meaning of the word, imo.

Anyhoo, thanks for the post and here is my favorite word I never get to use:

Omg, i dont even know how to pronounce that lol , thank you , checking it right now!

I believe it's pronounced Gobble-dee-gook
It's just fun to say :)

Heard it on the site ! Sooo funny lol

It's funny how the way a word sounds can be very misleading about its definition. I remember in french class years ago the teacher told us about a survey where non-english speakers chose 'diarrhea' as the most beautiful english word. I guess I can hear it, lol

Wow lol ! That just show how different we pronounce the words in a different language than our native one.

When's popcorn?

I am not sure that's among my list of favorite words! :P

Beautiful word!

It is indeed !!

My favorite word is definitely "shenanigans." It has a serious definition but its a fun sounding word and I laugh every time that I hear it.

True , it really is a fun sounding's one of my favorite word too..