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RE: Thoughts about 'work ethics', the (dis?)advantages of automation and digitalization, and my plea for being lazy more often! :)

in #work7 years ago (edited)

Very good post. While reading I knew that you are pro basic income even before you mentioned it ;) My thoughts on this subjects are sometimes more pro libertarism and sometimes more pro basic income. After thinking about the subject a lot in the last few months I came to the personal conclusion, that wether the one nor the other will happen in a way we were imaging it. Right now I'm pro ressourced based economy as presented by Jaque Fresco (who btw. died this year on 18.05.).

The libertarians are missing the point that we are depending on ressources first of all and also they think that the free market they are imaging is able to take the responsibility for the wellbeeing of our society so we won't need laws agains pollution or the exploitation / waste of ressources anymore. I think their political philsophy is a huge error in reasoning.

As for the basic income. There I see problems like: What if people who receive the basic income won't spent it in Germany but instead in a much cheaper country like Thailand for example? Or what if the companies stop to produce here (since people would want to work less or would demand more money) and relocate their factories abroad?

So my hope and my wish is, that through technology these problems, as Jaque Fresco imagined it, will solve itself. I think that crypto currencies are a first positive sign of that.

By the way, I also recently made a Youtube video in German concerning the question wheter people would still work if they got a basic income: