
in #work3 months ago (edited)


Well I'm still waiting on the old, new boss to make up his mind when I'm actually going to get a chance to start working for him again.

So I started this entire process on 10th so that means that I've been waiting for quite a bit. And I guess that also means that I'm now going to have to start making my point.

So tomorrow morning at 8:00 I'm going to be at the office and I guess me and puppy dog are going to be sitting until we finally get a start date. So we might end up having to stay over at the tow yard.

However that just means that we've got to buckle down and get things done even if it's going to take monumental amount of effort.

I think it's definitely going to be worth it.

I mean I'm not getting rich any other way.

I want to stay broke forever. That's the shit nobody said ever.

So puppy dog is going to have to stay in the truck. And I'm going to have to get some work done.

Although it's definitely going to be a good time as I enjoyed doing this for a job. It's definitely not a office job.

Hopefully this will be just the thing that me and puppy dog need to break out of this downward spiral of disability and benefits... Lol yeah benefits my ass. They've been cutting back my food and they keep going with all this just to make sure that life is as especially hard as they can make it.

So let's see what happens. It can't get any worse


Best of luck!!!!! May You start making money very soon!!!

Thank you very much and yes hopefully things will be working out and me and Doug very soon!