Years ago when a person was unemployed knocked on the doors of the Human Resources departments of several companies where he delivered his curriculum.
To try to get a decent job and without spending a lot of money, people walked long distances because they ran out of money and had to invest in printing their resume and taking professional photos that also had to be revealed. The vacancies of the companies, in their majority, were placed in the newspaper classifieds.
Then, with the rise of technology, specialized platforms emerged in the labor sector. Here, people have access to vacancies of companies, can upload the curriculum to the portal and apply to the positions where they meet the requirements, which saves time, money and unnecessary efforts.
Now it is the unemployed who are posting ads that say "I'm looking for a job." Not only are companies placing what they need, people are also attracting the attention of those they employ.
There are ad pages, which no longer serve only to buy and sell goods. Taking advantage of the great flow of people accessing these sites in lines, the desperation to find a job and generate income has caused people to offer themselves for a job, where they express what they are willing to do, what they know how to do.
These actions are a sample of the diversification that the sector has presented. When browsing the internet, the most frequent advertisements have the subject of "I'm looking for a job".