In my previous posts I wrote about Goals: How to Choose the Right Career; How to Achieve Your Life Goals; and Learn From Your Failures. If you've read them perhaps some of you were thinking "How could she talk about these topics, she's still unemployed and she couldn't even achieve her own goals."
Well, while writing those topics, at the back of my mind there's a thought "One day when I finally achieved my goal, I will write a blog post -a proof that you'll succeed if you continue striving if you work hard for it, and have faith in God".
I think this is the perfect time for that article. This is a long story, I was thinking of making it short but then I realized I have to tell the whole story, I have to tell the struggles I'd been through, and how God used people to bless me.
After a few consecutive rejections, I searched for "Best web development companies in the Philippines" on Google. The top result was 10 Agencies in the Philippines for Affordable Web Design - Hubstaff. I visited each company's website, headed to their Career Page, and reviewed the Qualifications and Requirements. I bookmarked the website of the top 2 companies: 7th Media and Starfish. My goal was to find a company that would fit my skills, do some preparation to meet the qualifications, and applies when I am finally ready.
A month after, I received an email notification from Jobstreet. Starfish was looking for Front-end and Back-end Web Developer. I reviewed the Job Description for Backend Web Developer and sent an application letter on their website, which was Oct. 28, 2016. The HR scheduled my Hands-on Exam and Initial Interview the following week, Nov. 3, 2016.
My schedule was 2:00 PM, but I arrived at their office at 12 noon. I know the hands-on would take a few hours plus the initial interview, I was worried because I had to be at the bus terminal at 5:00 PM. My hands-on exam was started at 1:00 PM, and I had given 2 hours and 30 minutes to write the codes for 4 different problems.
I solved the problems in 1 hour and 30 minutes, but it took 30 minutes before they check my codes because the Senior Backend Developer was too busy. Believe it or not, I don't know how I solved the problem. All I want that time was to finish as early as possible, otherwise, I would sleep at the bus terminal and wait for the first trip. Out of nowhere, I passed the exam.
Before I left the office, the HR manager told me to prepare the requirements for employment, and they will call me within the fourth week of November or the first week of December.
I arrived at the bus terminal at 7:00 PM (because I got lost in the city again haha) and there's still one bus left. I was so thankful, God is Really Great. He never leaves me alone. He provided everything I needed -strength, concentration, and guidance.
The next day, the HR manager told me to prepare because I'll be having a phone interview at 1:00 PM. I was too nervous at that time because that would be the last time to prove myself and what I am capable of. After an hour, the interview had ended and still no result.
The following day, my dad asked me to prepare all the requirements. I told him that I still have a few more weeks to prepare, so there's no need to rush. In the afternoon that day, I received an unexpected phone call from the HR, she asked me if I could be able to work on Wednesday (the day after tomorrow!) that week. I told her that my requirements are not yet prepared. She told me that it was okay, the important was to be at work on Wednesday. I was shocked and I panicked, because first: I had no apartment yet, second: I had to leave the next day, and third: the requirements.
I searched for an affordable apartment online, and I messaged the owners if there was still available for bed-space, but they didn't reply. My mom asked my cousin in Metro Manila if I could stay in their apartment for a couple of nights 'till I've found the nearest apartment. He told my mom that I couldn't be able to stay in their apartment but he suggests an affordable apartment (which is far from the office). He gave me the numbers of the landlady, I message her but she didn't reply.
The next morning, I searched again before I prepare to leave. While I'm on my way to Metro Manila I messaged an apartment owner, he told me that he was very busy and I should talk to his secretaries. I messaged the secretaries but their response took half an hour.
In the middle of 5 hours of travel, I messaged the HR manager that I was already on my way. A few minutes later, she told me to go ahead in the office since there was one unoccupied bed-space there. I found out that there's a bedroom for employees on the second floor of the office. And that was a huge blessing for me.
Now I finally achieved one of my goals, I have my desired career, I don't pay for apartment, electricity, and water. I don't have to travel every day to go to work. No traffic, no pollution. I have very friendly workmates, a generous boss, and a peaceful environment. This company is one of the greatest blessings I received in my life. I will do my best and work hard because I want to become part of their success.
I thank God every day not just for all the blessings He gave, but also for all the failures, rejections, hard times, and struggles. I became more matured to handle negativity. I became stronger in every struggle. I can now see the positive sides in every negative situation.
"Nothing is a coincidence. Everything you're experiencing is meant to happen exactly how it's happening. Embrace the lessons. Be grateful."
-- Hi this is the 23-year-old-me, I think the 20-year-old-me forgot to mention the number one thing you should have to achieve your desired career. As I was reading this article, I think she was trying to say that "FAITH" is the number one thing you should have. Faith in God and faith in yourself.
This blog post was written on November 20, 2016.
The images were captured and edited by the author.